“Diagnosing lupus is difficult because signs and symptoms vary considerably from person to person. Signs and symptoms of lupus may change over time and overlap with those of many other disorders.

No one test can diagnose lupus.

Treatment for lupus depends on your signs and symptoms. Determining whether you should be treated and what medications to use requires a careful discussion of the benefits and risks with your doctor.

As your signs and symptoms flare and subside, you and your doctor may find that you’ll need to change medications or dosages.

What you can do is before your appointment, you may want to write a list of answers to the following questions:

  • When did your symptoms begin? Do they come and go?
  • Does anything seem to trigger your symptoms?
  • Have your parents or siblings had lupus or other autoimmune disorders?”

MAYO CLINIC (https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/lupus/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20365790)

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