Archive | September 2013


Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.”                                                                                                                                                 Gail Devers (born November 19, 1966) is a retired three-time Olympic champion in track and field for the US Olympic Team.

Let’s get healthier in America!  We need to WAKE UP and decrease disease and illness with decreasing our expenditure in the health care system (including insurance prices).  One way in doing that is getting healthier, if we all took part it would decrease or lower our disease and illness percentage more in America.  To do that we have to become better in our diets and health habits for the following:  us now, our children later and future generations who will have a harder economy to live in, then.  Let us all learn about diseases and illnesses and how to prevent them.  Today’s article is on the EYES.  You may just want to take a peek below;)

EYES and how our health is vital in keeping the eyes working EFFECTIVELY.

Like all organs if your diet is not healthy you’ll effect their functioning, including your eyes.  Take for example the ingredients you include in the foods & fluids you eat.  Just like how some drink from one up to three thousand cc’s of water a day to help prevent dehydration in their tissues if they work out daily from a gym to running miles outside OR take someone who simply includes calcium in their diet for their bones.  Well what is good for the eyes and what can you do to help both your eyes?

–  Get an annual comprehensive dilated eye exam, know your families eye history since many eye diseases are through heredity, eat an eye healthy & well-balanced diet rich in salmon, tuna, dark leafy greens, colored vegetables and fruits, wear sunglasses with UV protection and avoid smoking (which effects the body everywhere, including the eyes).

What ingredients do we need in our dieting that is so vital for the eyes to stay at their healthiest level?  Well Lutein and Zeaxanthin (Pronounced loo’teen and Zee’-a-zan-thin)-Powerful antioxidants naturally present in the macula (the part of the retina that is responsible for central vision).  Remember damage to the retina causes some degree of lack of vision to 100% blind.  Lutein and Zeaxanthin are critical for helping to filter out harmful blue light, which can damage the macula.  These vital antioxidants cannot be produced by our bodies on their own, so they must be obtained through diet and/or supplements (ex. Ocuvite Supplements in the store).

Another ingredient we need in our diet is Omega 3 Fatty Acids which is a family of fatty acids that help protect our eyes by keeping them healthy.  Omega 3 is an important structural lipid in the retina and helps support proper function; and is vital for the health of your eyes as you age.  Lastly it helps promote healthy tear production necessary for healthy and comfortable eyes.                                                                                                                                                                           Other Nutrients Antioxidants Vitamins C and E, Zinc and beta carotene.  They help protect eyes from oxidative stress (Oxidative stress reflects an imbalance between the systemic manifestation of reactive oxygen speciesand a biological system’s ability to readily detoxify the reactive intermediates or to repair the resulting damage and oxidative stress can cause disruptions in normal mechanisms of cellular signaling.  It is thought to be involved in the development of many diseases.)

 What Your Diet or Daily Health Habits May Be Missing:

Many dark leafy greens and brightly colored vegetables (including orange foods) are rich in Lutein and Zeaxanthin.  We all heard about carrots (to get Beta-carotene)

Oil-rich fish such as tuna and salmon along with nuts and fortified eggs are an excellent source of omega-3s.  Omega-3s:  A family of fatty acids that help protect the eye to keep it healthy, another important nutrient for your eyes

Unfortunately, many of us do not consume enough of these eye-healthy foods in our daily diets. What should you have in your diet to eat per day to equal the amount of Lutein and Zeaxanthin you should have daily:   5 cups of  broccoli, 6 cups of corn, 1 ounce of salmon or 4 ounces of tuna.  A lot of vegetables in cups but if you mix your foods in the 4 food groups that are healthy for the eye or just simply take supplements that your doctor recommends for eye health you won’t be eating cups and cups of vegetables if you don’t like the taste.

*Other foods high in omega 3 are halibut, spinach, collard and kale.


Many eye diseases can’t be avoided (like born blind) but there are many diseases that could have been avoided through prevention tactics in what you eat and in what you practice as your daily habits.  For example some that could be prevented if not slowed down or suppressed in the intensity of the disease can be Age-Related Macular Degeneration, Cataracts, Dry Eye Syndrome and more.

Factors that also influence how our eyes turn out are:

-Being overweight or obese is a factor that increases your risk of developing diabetes and other systemic conditions which can lead to vision loss, such as diabetic eye disease (macular degeneration) or even glaucoma.  If  you’re having trouble maintaining a healthy weight, talk to your doctor or go to my website with Dr. Anderson available to help you understand how the body works with calories/sugars, carbohydrates, starches, fats, and sugars; with understanding how portions of meals work with digestion and how it can put weight on the body.

-If you do a lot of work daily on a computer or on any one thing, your eyes may forget to blink or get very fatigued, so attempt to do every 20 minutes looking away from the computer or one thing your focused on for hours (like at work) for 20 seconds.  This helps your eyes in reducing eyestrain (it is an actually an exercise for the eye).                                                                           -Clean your hands and your contact lenses properly.  This is to avoid local infection in the eye.  Always wash your hands before putting in and taking out the contact lenses.  Follow your doctors and contact lenses website in keeping your eyes healthy and safe with using their service for your lenses.

-Practice workplace eye safety as their organization policy and procedure states but also use common sense with wearing eye goggles when doing work around the house that puts you at risk for eye damage (like weed whacking, painting, using saws etc…)

How do you go about this if you need help in knowing what good foods of all the 4 food groups are, with knowing how to lose weight permanently without going on diets for 3 or 6 or 24 months than gaining it all back again including knowing how the body works with 3 meals a day as opposed to 6 small meals a day (one of them being a meat and vegetable meal that is lean in fat and green in vegetables with other colorful veggies added to it if you want) and understanding how the average American eats (especially with fast foods on a regular basis) with disease?  Did you know you get a physician (Dr. Anderson) and a health coach (me a RN 25 years plus) for FREE?

Go to and there you will learn the answers to all these questions you have and if you decide to become a member after viewing over what we have to offer to you with the viewing for no charge, no prescription, no obligation, and no hacking site!  Our country needs to live healthier and you can get started through this site and eventually become independent or even stay with us but you make all the choices, no one else.  You might be so happy with what you see you’ll even spread the good cheer and pass on the knowledge to family and friends making our country healthier.  We have to start somewhere.  Our health care system is in a disaster but gradually improving and lets add to improving it for us now and ten years from now and for future generations to decrease the amount of disease and illness in our country with giving our government a reason to decrease the price in our health care system (including insurances).  I hope you take a peek at and come aboard with me and so many others in trying to get healthier for themselves including helping others in America and far.  By the way I have lost 22 pounds and love the food.  Take a look, it doesn’t cost you anything. Why not?  Please if you have any diseases or illnesses on your mind with questions that you have let me know in my comment section and I will personally try to make it the next article if not sometime that week.  Thank you for reading my post.




A New Generations Health Care and Dieting Center, But for all ages.

Today our topic is future generations using healthier habits in their lifestyles with eating foods healthier overall for their bodies but still being able to treat yourself to foods not necessarily the best to be eating on a regular basis (Ex. Fast Foods.  Even though their trying to be healthier in fast food restaurants their still not an item to be eating every day).   I’m a female who is middle aged and am within my body mass index (BMI) and still with some muscle tone which ending line is doing well but if you think I have natural high metabolism you’re dreaming.  If you live on eating not 3 but 6 small meals a day that’s low in calories, carbohydrates, and fat you will allow your metabolism to stay at a steady level.  The key is it’s not for a few days, weeks or months but your regular way of living with still treating yourself to foods now & than that aren’t so healthy compared to your regular eating habits.  Know when you do that you because your regular dieting metabolism to go back 4 days since it slows down the metabolism.  If you’re in your regular body mass index at that point, great.  Remember to watch what you eat the next few days with going back on your regular healthy foods but if not in the therapeutic BMI and you want to lose weight than no treats yet.  Now we’ll tell you how you can learn the proper and improper foods to eat in one second.  Eating healthy foods in your regular life will help you not only with keeping your weight at a nice number but as you  grow older you decrease a lot of diseases caused by eating foods low in fat and cholesterol which allows in time blockages in the arteries  causing cardiac problems.  Eating foods high in carbohydrates, calories, fats and sugars daily will just put high probability that you will become overweight especially if you’re not doing any work-out or activity other than work and your regular daily activities.  Becoming overweight or just eating foods that are unhealthy or doing both can cause many problems as getting older  (Obesity, Diabetes II,  high B/P, blockages in the arteries=Coronary Artery Disease and more).  The younger you are the easier it is to change usually but even being older you can change for both age groups it just takes being a strong person, having discipline, and knowing this is what you want.   Remember when you slack off in your diet and activity/exercise you don’t persecute yourself but get right back on the healthy track and keep striving for a healthier body, longer life and possibly a change for the better with our health care system overall in society, in time.  A healthier country will in time show less disease, healthier population in America making overall a better place for everyone of any age.  Most important you will be healthier.  It is all up to you and if you want to know more about better eating habits (types of healthy foods to eat not just being salads & allowing foods you love in the diet, including knowing the foods healthy in all 4 food groups from the lean to leaner and the leanest) and what activity or exercise to do (which doesn’t mean you have to do a heavy work out ) than you need to look no further.  I’m not a hacker, this is not asking for donations, it is all in your control in what you want to do and learn.  You are the boss in making your decisions, no one else.  Join me by clicking onto to learn more about what we provide, including the foods healthy and not healthy, and no subscription fee to click on us just check us out.  Give us a glance and you just may like what you see. =====================.



Junk food is simply what it states.  Its Junk.  What is consisted in junk food either too high in fats, trans fat, high sugar contents=high in calories, and carbohydrates that are processed which are simply this: foods that were processed or refined to make them more consumer-friendly and easier to transport, but have been stripped of most — if not all — of their nutrients and fiber along the way.  Carbohydrates provide energy for the body, particularly for the brain and the nervous system. An enzyme called amylase (from the liver) that helps break down carbohydrates into blood sugar, or glucose, which the cells of your body absorb for energy (our fuel for the body) that it needs at that time and whatever glucose it doesn’t need at that time we can’t get rid of it as waste but instead it gets stored in the body.  Where?  Well first the liver but if a large meal or just a moderate to small meal high in carbs or starches the liver can’t store all that so than it goes to the fat tissue to be stored=weight gain.  Remember sugars or calories get broken down to further simple sugars and even some fats depending on its make up.  So if sugar is primarily the ending result of what foods are made up of unless sugar-calorie, carbohydrate, starch & fat free than know the size of the meal plays a part in controlling your weight.  Since depending on the amount of sugar per meal will determine how much sugar will need to be stored in fat tissue after the glucose that needs to first be utilized by the body at that time of digestion than second the liver does its maximal storage and the remaining sugar in the blood that goes into fat tissue storage is determined by the size or the portion of the meal you  have with how healthy it is.  If it is fast food than consider it unhealthy especially if fried (no healthy energy).  So what is the answer here if you want to look good and eat fast foods at times (from pizza to buffalo wings to onion rings) you have to eat that way in moderation = occasionally.  If you are in your body mass index weight range with exercising on a regular basis than your even ok to eat fast food 2 times a week but if you eat this food constantly your still building up risk factors to prone you to cardiac, diabetes, stroke, hypertension, to cancers.

If you don’t know your BMR than Calculate Your BMR

Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator – Free From Fitness® Magazine


Examples of processed carbohydrates include most baked goods, white breads, pastas, snack foods, candies and non-diet soft drinks. Other examples of processed carbohydrates are bleached, enriched wheat flour and white sugar. Because these foods have been stripped of their nutrients and fiber, they are often referred to as “empty calories.”

Effect on Health

As our bodies try to digest the huge amounts of starches and simple sugars in a meal that is dominated by processed carbohydrates, hormone production, such as that of insulin, fluctuates dramatically. This causes blood glucose levels to experience spikes and dips, a situation that may increase the risk of developing chronic illnesses such as obesity, diabetes, cancer and heart disease. In addition, our bodies are ill-equipped to handle the array of artificial flavorings, colorings and preservatives that are frequently part of the processing of refined carbohydrates.  Know when your glucose levels dip rather than stay at a steady rate by eating 5 to 6 HEALTHY meals a day and one being lean in meat and green in vegetables.  This won’t allow your sugar to spike and dip causing excess of glucose not needed to be utilized or store in the liver that will cause weight gain by storing in your fat tissue.  If you regularly eat only 3 meals a day you cause the spike and dip of glucose putting yourself at high risk for this to occur in you unless you have a high metabolism naturally.


Instead of getting your carbohydrates from processed or refined foods, choose to get your carbohydrates from foods like beans, legumes, whole-wheat bread, brown rice, whole-grain pasta and other grains that may be unfamiliar to you, such as quinoa, whole oats and bulgur. These alternatives are becoming easier to find in mainstream grocery stores. Not only will these sources of carbohydrates help to protect you from a range of chronic diseases, but they will also make your meals more enjoyable and interesting.

Need assistance to reach this kind of an eating pattern with learning more about HEALTHY foods for the body that you should be eating out of the 4 food groups (that includes each group letting you know what is lean, leaner, and leanest)?  Than you have come to the right blog; go to and peek at what we can provide for you at no fee/charge, no donation, no obligation with guaranteed no hacking.  You will see what Dr. Anderson with his book “Dr. A’s healthy habits” and myself as your health coach in assisting you in anyway you need it and to learn how to eat healthy in aiding you to develop healthier habits in your lifestyle forever not just diet for 3 or 6 or 12 months than put the weight all back on again.  You make all the choices in what you want regarding foods, drinks, snacks and desserts or just learn about healthy foods through Dr. Anderson’s book to get the knowledge in what healthy dieting and healthy habits are that you make a part of your life.  If you want to lose weight or prevent disease or illness in your life and even pass it down to your children to be passed down to further generations this is the a good pathway to follow.  You reach that goal through learning proper healthy dieting, healthy habits and exercise with balancing it with rest.  Hope I hear from you and have given you another aspect of how to look at your health and even your friends and family.  For if we all thought this way, fast food businesses wouldn’t be the number one place in restaurant industry but at the bottom with our health care system better for all in our society as a whole showing a lot less disease/illness (since a lot of cardiac, obesity, diabetes II, and some cancers with more diseases are self inflicted due to our dieting and activity level of many American citizens.).  We can make a change and our society has done so before.  As the old saying history repeats itself time and time again, so can our society for the better of everyone.




Fruit help’s you in both diet and health when eaten RIGHT.

You say HOW?  They are high in vitamins, minerals, some with antitoxins (helping the immune system) and have anti-inflammatory effects that can help you build up to your optimal health.  Some fruits have soluble fiber in them that slows down the breakdown of complex carbohydrates and helps reduce blood sugar.  Fruit taken in proper portions (moderate amts.) can even help lower blood cholesterol.  Soluble fiber is not just in rye, barley, oats, and vegetables but in fruits as well.  Insoluble fiber can’t be absorbed or digested by the human body but can still provide the body with advantages like reducing hunger, stimulates regular bowel movements, and can be found in fruits as well as vegetables, seeds whole wheat bread and other foods.  One of my healthy eating rules is know what the food’s makeup is before eating it; yes this includes calories, fat, sugars, carbs and sodium but knowing the energy density in the foods you eat is very important too.  Foods with the lowest density are foods that help curb your appetite that can help you maintain or even lose weight.  The lowest energy density food group contains healthy foods like most vegetables and fruits with based broth soups & skim milk.  The highest density groups are cookies, chips, nuts, full-fat condiments, chocolate and butter (not the best nutritional foods to be eating regularly).  Remember, if you’re trying to be healthy or even losing weight than know fruits are high glycemic foods.  If you eat too much fruit at one time it will result in high glycemic amounts in your body at that one time putting you at risk for fat storage=weight gain.  You see, digestion of the foods whether calories, carbohydrates, sugars, or some fats get broken down into simple or complex sugar molecules=glucose or fructose.  One of the body’s major fuels for energy so we can function with working properly & survive is glucose (the same concept like fuel for a car=gas=it operates).

The body utilizes glucose after digestion takes place in the stomach where the foods break down into simple and complex sugars than transferred into our bloodstream as our active fuel for energy (like our car’s tank sending gas to the engine to be able to run).  Our fuel, being the glucose, then gets sent to all our tissues and into our cells but only for the amount they need at that time (sort of like the car in filling the gas tank to full).  When our body reaches full for all energy needed to all areas of the body at that time if there is extra un-needed glucose in the bloodstream it has to go somewhere and the body stores it=fat storage=weight gain.  Take the car, the storage reservoir is the gas tank it only stores in the tank, but if the tank reaches full with gas (its energy) it would just overflow as opposed to the human body with extra glucose in the bloodstream=our extra fuel which doesn’t overflow by leaving our body somehow but gets stored in our body as fat storage. Thus, when it’s needed (glucose) it will be released back in the bloodstream.  If you more frequently have in your body more overflow of glucose versus the need for it you’ll have more fat storage occuring as opposed to energy utilized by the body.  This causes you to be at a higher risk of becoming overweight to obese (that’s the logic in eating 6 small low glycemic meals a day which prevents this from happening).  To prevent a high risk of becoming overweight to obese stay off of 3 large meals/day and high sugar snacks during the day.  Also, don’t have constant healthy frequent high glycemic meals day in and day out especially with no activity/exercise other than your regular activities of daily living, which doesn’t count as exercise.

Remember, eat fruits in moderation not in excess; including the size of your meals (don’t allow the size of the plate greater than 9” including NO second helpings).   The key to eating healthy is to include all 4 food groups (Meats/Fishes, Vegetables, Fruits, and Dairy) and eat your first meal for the day within 30 minutes.   If you want to learn more information about this to begin eating healthier with the 4 food groups and in the proper portion sizes than go no further.  My website can give you the information in knowing how to eat so that it affects your metabolism and weight distribution in the body therapeutically.  You can also learn exercise that fits into your lifestyle (ranging from walking fast 30 minutes for 2 to 3 times a week to daily workouts) with knowing healthy habits to add in your life to stay or get within your ideal weight.  The ending result is you feel better, look better, and have higher odds you’ll live a longer life that allows more excitement in it due to being in better shape.   Let Dr. Anderson through his book and myself, being your health coach, give you direction onto the pathway you need until you get yourself on the right track of health independently.   Before going to my website here is also information on how sugar affects the body on disease and illness._________________________________________________________________

Part2:  How sugars impact on disease & illness:

Fructose is a simple sugar found in fruit, is metabolized to fat in your liver, and eating large amounts has been linked to negative metabolic and endocrine effects.  When eating fruits in very large amounts=High levels of fructose or glucose in the bloodstream which can logically increase your risk number of health conditions, from insulin and leptin resistance to even cancer.  Insulin and leptin work together to control the quality of your metabolism and to a great deal your rate of metabolism (the resistance of them are associated with obesity).   Research shows fructose can impact risks on pancreatic cancer.  It has been proven fructose is used by pancreatic cancer cells for cell division=an increase in the spread of pancreatic cancer.  So eat fruits with vegetables in 50% of your meals and it will impact more of a positive effect on your health and can even help with weight maintenance or weight loss if used right in proportions. Studies have shown fructose (in many fruits), especially taken in large proportions can induce the following in the human body, that are:

*Elevation of triglycerides *abdominal obesity *endothelial dysfunction *kidney damage *metabolic syndrome * hypertension (high b/p) * fatty liver disease * microvascular disease * diabetes and more.   So make fruits with vegetables part of your daily life with eating them in 50% of your meals and it will surely impact more of a positive effect on your health.  It can even help with weight loss if used in proper proportions.   Fruit is delicious but if not a fruit fan there is plenty of ways it can be added to vegetables and your meats or fishes=high protein, where you end up falling in love with fruit alone or just find it a great flavor added with other foods as an extra treat.  Making this diet adjustment with having fruit and other good low glycemic foods in your diet can help you reach your goal in losing weight with reaching your optimal level of health in time.

For further information, go to and join me with others who have seen this pathway work in our own lives.  So far, I lost over 20lbs. through the guidance of Dr. Anderson’s healthy habits which covers all types of foods in your diet, to types of light exercise to even work out (it you want it in your life) and so much more.  Now you know where to look, it’s up to you to make the right choice.  Take a peek with no charge or fee or obligation, just a simple way of adding new ideas possibly to your life to only make it better.  This will make you and possibly impact the people around you with wanting to reach this happier, healthier and longer lifetime.  Just like the car, the better you treat it the longer it lasts the same principle with the human body.  Only you make the choice with possibly spreading this good news that puts a decrease in diseases/illnesses for you and others.  Wouldn’t it be great if this knowledge could spread to the future decade and further on.  Haven’t we lived long enough making poor decisions in our society relating to health overall.  Do you want this to go on in America’s future?  Make the change for the people that make up our country.  Should we just let our politicians and government do the deciding on how much we can drink or what we are allowed to eat.  They only got involved when it started affecting our economy drastically with not enough citizens doing the right healthy habits to keep our health care system affordable, which it isn’t for many.  Let us, the people, make the right choice.  Click onto if you want to take that step for no money, no hacking but just to peek on what the website offers.   Remember to check with your general practitioner before starting any new diet or exercise program, especially if you have any health concerns or diseases.