Wake up America and get healthier to decrease disease and illness of all ages to make our country a better place for all citizens to live in.

healthier America  Get Healthier America2

Both internal and external environments play a part for the human body in how we, as people, turn out either healthy or unhealthy in the nation that we live in and even as a world. External environments are the images of what makes up the nation or the planet earth at home including the outer space (a single entity in which air, water, and continents interrelate for mankind and more; but the important question is this: is it overall effective or not to life). Let’s take a metaphor in understanding this, an effective external environment for life is country life (ex. life in Virginia) for home/produce/life and an area of weather that is suitable for the human body as opposed to living in the North Pole (freezing ice cold) much more difficult to obtain an healthy external environment for the human body. The internal environment is referring to our minds and bodies which are primarily up to us, the people, in what we decide to be acceptable in how we live out our daily. Society determines what is considered ok as a habit and what is not, ending line how we treat ourselves daily. Yes drugs are not legal, so there are limitations (law). Thank God or we could be worse off with disease and illness in the U.S. Though we can control other things for example what we simple drink daily that can range from 1 can to a six pack of regular soda daily for some people (which equals high sugar content in the body) or using nutraSweet regularly (which can cause cancer), or even better-diet soda (Phenylketourics-Phenylalanine). Why is this on the soda can and what does that mean? It is to prevent a law suit since it can cause cancer. I could go on with unhealthy foods and drinks; ending line is we need to know what is in our foods and fluids we ingest, making smarts decisions on what we ingest and in how big a proportion from daily intake down to every meal you eat that day. To become a healthier nation to spread out into the world with living healthier habits in our daily living with occasional eating of things unhealthy could make a 360 turn in how our diseases and illnesses could go down in number.   There are diseases/illnesses in the top rank in the U.S. due to many with Obesity (Ex. leading to Diabetes II and even cardiac disease that can further lead you to a heart attack or even a stroke). To get out of unhealthy eating/dieting, with a little exercise daily or every other day (not necessarily work out but my hat is off to those who do) and keeping your weight in your body mass index would make a turn for you and so many others overtime. We have to start somewhere, just like technology did but this is much easier since we have the knowledge; it just has to be utilized (first from the home, into schools, into fast food joints to restaurants, to our government (who should not be the one deciding our health care system and insurance) and stricter rules through FDA (higher standards in what we eat). Put this all together and we call it SOCIETY. Remember society gives direction on what’s allowed in the community (simply t.v. to radio, what’s allowed in local restaurants, who are president is, and to what’s allowed in the house (mom and dad). We need to start nurturing our society a lot better (we don’t now). What will this do for the present couples, especially with children? It will make both age groups healthier with a better life and the same results for the future grand kids coming down the road. What will it do for you people single or just couples without children, like myself? It will give you all healthier lives and for all a change for the better in the percentage in diseases/illnesses (going down drastically) to the point of impacting our insurance costs in time for the better with how our health care system works (this wouldn’t be over night). We have to start somewhere. Let’s get our overall health to a point where we don’t need so much health care or the government to get involved deciding how our health care system runs but pay more attention to what is going on in wall street, wars we have to keep an eye on or even take part in looking into or getting our troops out of, etc… No matter if you are in a high or mid or low income bracket there are affordable foods that you can have in your diet with gradually increasing to 30 minutes of exercise daily or every other day in your life, of course in time. It’s just like watching TV, you just have to fit it in your life and in time it will become a regular part of your activities of daily living with not making you feel as if this is a burden but routine. If you want to live a longer life with helping to decrease disease in our country then make the move whether young, mid-age or even older. It is like a wound that our society over generations allowed to happen, in time. The ending result is 2/3 of our country is obese, do we want to continue making this wound larger? We already have caused a large number of obesity but like all wounds, time heals all wounds (if not completely than to a degree and in America’s case it’s a large one). We are now in a technology that knows what foods are high in fat, high in sugar, high in carbohydrates, high in calories, with what it can cause when foods like this are taken on a daily basis in all yours meals over a long period of time, which is obesity. We also know the ending result of obesity in based upon the kinetics of what it can create in the body, again overtime.   We are a stronger nation in all colors, races, ages, and sexes with knowing the knowledge of what to do.   Do you want a better fit body, family, grandchildren and even country than take the action NOW. For your goal in playing a part is one you need to be healthy or get healthier and without question you will feel better. Also, for the next decade & generation to be healthier it will help Americans in their lives all around (including our health care showing a spread of disease in lower percentage that is originally due to poor diet and activity choices by our people=again society’s choices, who are so important in helping to decide where the health of the present and future of the US people lie. America please help me turn this around. Should we let our government make the move on our health rather than us? Finally after so many years Obama’s health care law had to get involved because of the money aspect regarding Americans health took, taking a toll on our economy. I know I would want the people making the last move regarding our health care system, when we still have choices. If you care about this you would want to take part in joining me (at almost 50 y/o) to get healthier. If you are than go to healthyusa.tsfl.com and be a part of making our home a healthy USA with learning the knowledge of how to prevent or better treat your body even diagnosed if already diagnosed with obesity, coronary heart disease, diabetes II, high blood pressure, stroke, transient attack ischemia, and more). It is recommended to get clearance first from your M.D. if you decide to take this diet plan. How do we reach and stay at a healthy state in making our lives a grand ride on a roller coaster without falling off the track; and if we do fall off the ride (Ex. Have a trauma, like a back injury) if you have been healthy most or all your life the better the odds you will turn out. To reach that level internally we now all need to see what it is we are NOT doing best to our bodies regarding the daily habits of prevention (most significant factor) or regarding the habits of secondary-treating of disease or illnesses people have today (do you follow your diet, or are you compliant with taking your meds prescribed, etc…).   Prevention Habits would be stay fit (not necessarily a body builder fit), be ideal in your weight (BMI), eat and drink healthy, know good foods from bad foods, and practice healthy habits of living. If your at this healthy state already great and if you do unhealthy habits occasionally that is great also (Examples like eating Burger King, having shell fish, drinking alcohol and parting till 2am or so). If you need to learn how to reach this state or even learn how to stay in this level of health because of getting older or whatever the reason is than Dr. Anderson and myself as your coach can help you. Dr. Anderson through his book of “Dr. A’s Habits of Heath” and me as your health coach with take shape for life will teach you all about this. We can provide the knowledge, the foods you eat for 3 to 6mths to a couple of years, depending on what you want to lose; but in time you can even stop take shape for life and just buy healthier foods in the store using all 4 food groups (which the book reviews also with what foods in each group is the lean, leaner to the leanest and in what proportions).

I always say do anything legal in America within moderation and you should do fine but when we don’t negative feedback begins to start, which is what has happened to our country & even others with cancer, obesity, cardiac disease, diabetes, and more due to living on a regular basis unhealthy habits, poor activities of daily living and unhealthy normally in the diet So America let’s turn around for the better and join me. Take a peek at healthyusa.tsfl.com and check us out with guaranteed no hacking, no fee, no donation, or any BS. I hope I did shed light on someone and hope to hear from you soon. Thank you for reading at my blog and don’t hesitate with giving me your comments, they matter.

For your knowledge the top health problems in the USA are:

1-Heart disease Heart disease was the #1 disease affecting Americans in 2010. The World Health Organization’s (WHO) statistics showed 31.5% of women and 26.8% of men die of heart disease.

To prevent heart disease, become physically active, eat a heart healthy diet, and quit smoking.

2-Obesity Two-thirds of Americans are now either overweight or obese. Obesity has become an epidemic in the U.S. and leads to other diseases such as high blood pressure, hypertension, and diabetes. The best way to prevent obesity is through a well-balanced diet and physical activity.

3-Cancer The 2008 World Cancer Report predicted that deaths caused by cancers will nearly double by the year 2030. This means 27 million people will suffer from cancer by 2030 resulting in 17 million deaths every year. Experts believe the main culprit will be poor lifestyle choices. There are many forms of cancer, but limiting the intake of red meat and animal fat, exposure to the sun, alcohol intake, and knowing your family’s history can limit the risk of developing cancer.

4-Infectious disease Disease-causing germs such as bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi spread diseases directly or indirectly from one person to the other – sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), HIV, etc. Infectious diseases are now the world’s biggest killer of children and young adults; they lead to 16.2% of worldwide deaths.  Simple things like washing your hands and preparing foods properly could prevent the chances of spreading infectious diseases.

5-Tuberculosis Around 2 million people die of tuberculosis (TB) every year. Researchers have shown almost one-third of the world’s population is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacteria that cause tuberculosis. The bacteria are spread through coughing and sneezing. Be sure to cover your mouth and wash your hands.

6-HIV/AIDS Nearly 25 million people have been infected with HIV/AIDS from 1981 to the present. According to the latest data from the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), an estimated 2.7 million people became newly infected with HIV in 2008, and 2 million people died of AIDS-related causes in 2008. Practicing safe sex and monogamy can prevent the chances of spreading or contracting HIV or AIDS. Your partner may look safe, but the only way to know the current status of yourself or your partner is by getting tested.

7-Lower respiratory tract infections Diseases of the lungs, such as pneumonia, kill more than 4 million people each year. Lower respiratory tract infections also include tuberculosis and whooping cough. Washing hands, and following a healthy diet and exercise routine will help keep the immune system strong in order to fight off infections.

8-Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) COPD includes lung diseases that make breathing difficult. It is estimated that by 2020 it will be the third biggest killer in the world. Smoking is the most recognized cause for COPD but occupational exposure to dust, air pollution and certain inherited diseases have been known to cause the disease as well. Exercises built around strengthening your lungs, such as cardio, are a good way to prevent COPD.

9-Influenza An estimated 36,000 people die annually due to complications from influenza. Influenza, which is more commonly known as the flu, is a highly infectious disease that is caused by the influenza virus. Transmission of the disease is made through both airborne and physical contact. Hand-washing, covering coughs and sneezes, and avoiding people with the flu are a few ways to combat interception of the virus.

10-Depression Clinical depression is one of the most common mental illnesses; affecting more than 19 million Americans each year. Developing healthy habits such as not overworking, taking breaks, meditation, and exercise can help prevent depression.

As simple as it seems, a healthy diet, physical activity, and a well-balanced lifestyle can help to further prevent the onset of many diseases. Take control in 2013 and begin to live your best life now. 

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