Part II Signs indicating kidney disease

      End stage renal failure

There are numerous causes of kidney failure, and treatment of the underlying disease may be the first step in correcting the kidney abnormality. Some causes of kidney failure are treatable and the kidney function may return to normal. Unfortunately, kidney failure may be progressive in other situations and may be irreversible.

1. Urination Changes

The kidneys are responsible for handling urine, so it makes sense that urine will start to change if the kidneys are failing. Some examples of urination changes include: • Urine comes out bubbly or foamy • Urine may have traces of blood • You may have the overwhelming urge to urinate during the night, waking up • Urination occurs more often and appears pale • Urination occurs less often and appears dark • You may have difficulty attempting to urinate

2. Fatigue

The kidneys are responsible for producing a specific hormone called erythropoietin (EPO). This hormone is responsible for instructing the body to produce red blood cells, which are meant to carry oxygen throughout the body. If the kidneys start to fail, they will make less EPO, which means fewer hormones are directing the body to produce the necessary amount of red blood cells. At the end of this cycle, you’re left feeling very tired and weakened throughout the day. Experiencing fatigue even when you seem to get enough sleep at night is one symptom that the kidneys are not producing enough hormones for your body.

3. Swelling

Because of the way the kidneys interact with the body and handle the process of urination, they also are largely responsible for removing the extra fluid within your body. Kidneys that are starting to fail won’t get rid of that fluid as well as they should be. As a result, it stays inside the body — and while it’s in the body, it has to go somewhere; the fluid starts filling in pocketed areas. You may experience swelling in one or both ankles, the legs, the face, hands, as well as feet. While the swelling can be mild, it can also swell to difficult stages; for instance, it might be hard to wear a regular shoe. This is edema.

4. Nausea

Healthy kidneys also take on the role of the body’s garbage men; that is, they’re responsible for getting rid of waste in the body. In the event of kidney problems or failure, waste won’t exit the body as efficiently as before, causing a buildup of excess waste in the bloodstream. This is known as uremia, and it can cause feelings of nausea or make you need to vomit. It should go without saying that your body doesn’t like being filled with waste, and it attempts to purge the waste by way of vomiting.

5. Bad Taste in Mouth

When kidneys begin to fail and cause uremia, or a buildup of waste in the body, the body may react by producing the taste of metal in your mouth or causing bad breath. Overall, you might taste a rather poor flavor in your mouth that causes you not to taste food in the same way as you did before. In particular, this may make you less interested in eating meats. In addition, you might start to notice some weight loss as a result of not eating. This could be due to the taste issue or you may simply not feel hungry enough to eat much.

6. Rashes

Developing uremia as a result of kidney disease doesn’t stop with metallic taste or the need to vomit. The waste buildup in the bloodstream manifests further by causing patches of rashes on the skin and causing itchiness. In some cases, patches of skin can break out in what appears to be acne as well. These itchy rashes can be difficult to relieve; in more progressed instances, the itch can feel like it goes right down to the bone, making it difficult to feel relief by way of scratching.

7. Chills

As explained in a previous slide, the kidneys produce the hormone EPO to signal the body’s production of red blood cells. Failing this, there are fewer blood cells, which is anemia. Anemia comes with its own set of symptoms, the most prominent but overlooked being chills. If you feel cold, even inside of a warm room, you could be experiencing anemia.

8. Leg Pain

One of the more characteristic symptoms of chronic kidney disease include feeling discomfort in the back or in the legs. In some cases, the feelings of discomfort could be painful. It is also possible to experience pain as far as the upper back. Problems that can cause pain include: • Kidney stones and infections, which cause severe spasms of pain • Bladder infections, which can produce a burning sensation during urination • Polcystic kidney disease, which produces painful cysts on the kidneys and liver.

9. Out of Breath

If you have been experiencing shortness of breath lately, it could be connected to the kidneys in two different ways. The first possible connection is a result of the extra fluid buildup; sometimes, this extra fluid builds up in the lungs, making it more difficult to breathe. Otherwise, the shortness of breath can be a result of anemia; in this case, there are an insufficient number of red blood cells available to carry oxygen throughout the body. This leaves the brain and body starved and short of breath. If you experience shortness of breath, sit down for a moment and calmly attempt deep breaths. The experience is naturally frightening, but panicking can only lead to more difficulty breathing.

10. Dizziness

Anemia as a result of kidney disease has one more grasp on the body: It can make you dizzy and cause you to have trouble concentrating on things. When this happens, your brain is becoming starved of the oxygen it needs to be at full power. When your brain isn’t getting enough oxygen, it manifests beyond dizziness and concentration problems; you can also experience memory problems and other issues with cognitive functions. This symptom often goes hand in hand with fatigue due to the taxing effects on the brain.

If you have some of these symptoms and noticed them after change in your diet with putting weight on go to your doctor or even a urologist or renal doctor and get checked out.

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