Obesity and how it only slows down lives in America, of all ages.

For so many years America has been warned about being overweight/unhealthy but still today the majority of Americans (all age groups) are obese, up to 2/3 of our country.  To the point it affects society in the U.S. that even our politicians have to ban certain drinks or foods to the public since many can’t take the better choice on their own for the healthier moves which is taking foods/drinks that are high in sugar or fat or calories in moderation or even occasionally.  Instead our society goes the less healthier direction that causes many cardiac (blockages in the vessels), endocrine (Diabetes II) with many other diseases as a ending result, in time.  No matter if you are in a high or low income bracket there are affordable foods that you can have in your diet with gradually increasing to 30 minutes of exercise daily or every other day in your life, of course in time.  It’s just like watching TV,  you just have to fit it in your life and in time it will become a regular part of your activities of daily living with not making you feel as if this is a burden but routine.  If you want to live a longer life, help decrease disease in our country then make a move whether young, mid-age or even older.  It is like a wound that our society over generations allowed to happen, in time.  The ending result is 2/3 of our country is obese,  do we want to continue making this wound larger.  We already have caused a large number of obesity but like all wounds, time heals all wounds (if not completely than to a degree and in America the case is a large one).  We are now in a technology that knows what foods high in fat, high in sugar, high in carbohydrates, high in calories on a daily basis in all yours meals can cause which is obesity as the ending result.   We are a stronger nation in all colors, races, ages, and sexes with knowing the knowledge of what to do.   Do you want a better fit body or even an overall healthier family including grandchildren and even our country than take the action NOW.  For your goal in playing a part in living healthier and spreading the good news.  Also, for the next decade & generation to be healthier will help Americans holistically in their lives all around (including our health care showing a spread of disease in lower percentage due to healthier dieting and activity choices by our people, who are so important in helping to decide where the health of the present and future of the US citizens lie.  Should it take our government to make a move (finally after so many years)?  I know I wouldn’t want them making the last move in our society and if you want to take part in joining me (at almost 50 y/o) than go to healthyusa.tsfl.com and be a part of making our home a healthy USA.   

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