Why disciplining your kids plays a significant role in how the child will turn out as a responsible person in adulthood!

 As a parent, you serve many roles. You are the caregiver and the nurturer, and you want to be the friend. From time to time, however, you also have to be the disciplinarian, teaching your children right from wrong and helping guide them toward appropriate behaviors and smart decisions. Understanding why discipline is important for your children will help you implement effective disciplinary techniques that make for happy and well-behaved children turning them out to high probability of an effective grown up in the adult world.  Your childhood builds the FOUNDATION of how you will turn out as an adult.  Be with no limitations, living 100% politically correct, no rules or regulations, teaching your child everyone wins and no one ever loses expect a lot of disarray for that youth when the reach adulthood.  For example be a parent who doesn’t  discipline, does everything politically correct raising the child which in this case compared to an adult the child has not earned the years of experience to even think like an adult yet.  At the same time the child has not produced anything in having the capability to act like an adult yet  that’s why they are called children with the parents their for mentorship or guidance.

Look at what this type of thinking in not disciplining your child either verbally or physically with a single spanking has done to our society (not beating the crap out of the child, for any individual being dramatic thinking I may mean that and I don’t).  Our own kind are children and young adults you hurt each other both mentally and physically.

There are many reasons why a parent may not want to discipline a child. Some parents may be reluctant to discipline children because they want to avoid having conflict or because they don’t want to have their child be angry at them. Others may be unable or unwilling to devote time and energy to the task of disciplining children. And still others may have unpleasant memories of being disciplined when they were children, and may want to make things easier on their own kids by relaxing rules and giving them more free rein.

But the fact is, discipline is not about creating conflict with your child or lashing out in anger. Child discipline, when done correctly, is not about trying to control your child but about showing her how to control her own behavior. It is not about punishing a child for doing something wrong but about setting clear parameters and consequences for breaking rules so that she learns how to discipline herself.

A child who has been taught right from wrong and has a solid sense of what is negative and positive behavior will know when she has done something wrong. She will want to behave correctly out of a desire to be a good citizen and a member of her family and society — not because she fears punishment.

 What disciplining your children is and can do:

-Teaching Responsibility

Discipline teaches your children to be responsible for their actions. A common form of discipline is teaching children to experience the consequences of their decisions. If you warn your daughter that failing to pick up her toys will result in loss of dessert, for example, and she does not pick up her toys, she will experience the consequences of her decision. When you discipline children using this consequences model, you help them learn how to be responsible for their actions and, thus, control the consequences they experience.

-Instilling Appropriate Behavior

Discipline teaches your children proper behavior in a variety of circumstances. When you discipline your child for poor behavior, he learns about what behavior is acceptable. According to an article in the journal Paediatrics and Child Health, discipline can foster appropriate behavior in children, teaching them how to interact with others, when to postpone pleasure and how to tolerate discomfort. Thus, discipline can help you create better-behaved children who are respectful of others.

-Establishing Self-discipline

Effective disciplinary techniques can minimize your role as the disciplinarian in the future. As your child learns what behaviors, actions and words are acceptable and unacceptable, she will acquire self-discipline skills. After learning of the negative consequences of bad behavior, your child may avoid that behavior in the future to avoid punishment. Thus, parental discipline can foster healthy self-discipline in children, which can improve their behavior.

-Building Confidence

Positive discipline can build your child’s confidence as well. Well-disciplined children often display appropriate behaviors and make smart decisions in difficult situations. Strong decision-making abilities and appropriate behavior can help build your child’s confidence. As the Purdue Extension website explains, one of the goals of discipline is to raise confident and responsible children, so your discipline can positively impact your child’s confidence for the long term.

Why It’s Important to Discipline Children

What many parents who are reluctant to discipline children may not understand is how damaging it can be for a child to lack boundaries. Without discipline, children will be deficient in the following important life skills.

-They will lack self control.

-They will not respect their parents or other authority figures.

-They will not know what is appropriate behavior.

-They will be willful, selfish, and generally unpleasant company.

-They will not have social skills that are important for making friends such as empathy, patience, and knowing how to share.

-They will be more likely to engage in negative behaviors that are harmful and even potentially dangerous for themselves as well as others.

-They will be unhappy.

Traits of Children Who Have Been Disciplined

On the other hand, children who have been given firm but loving guidance have the following traits and abilities:

  • They have more self control and are more self-sufficient.
  • They are more responsible and enjoy “being good” and helping others at home, at school and in the world at large.
  • They are more self-confident. They know their opinions and feelings will be heard, and that their parents love them even when they make mistakes.
  • They know that they are accountable for their mistakes or misbehavior, and are more likely to make good choices because they want to, not because they fear punishment.
  • They are pleasant to be around, and are more likely to have an easier time making friends.

Of course, how we discipline is as important as whether or not we discipline. Disciplining a child does not mean yelling or losing one’s temper (though being human, all parents can certainly have those moments when we can get angry or frustrated by a child’s bad behavior).

The key to positive child discipline is keeping your cool (and giving yourself a time out if necessary) so that you can communicate with your child calmly about what is and is not acceptable behavior and how he can make better choices and learn from his mistakes.

I come from a species called humans and through evolution (if you believe in that) we supposedly descended from ape like creatures.  It is embarrassing for me to say I come from the same species as those individuals you were shown on TV in Missouri beating up on each other this past year.  Memphis police say as many as 125 teenagers were involved in that Saturday melee — that left two other people injured. Authorities believe the young thugs were playing a game called “point them out, knock them out.”  This knock out game that has been shown on our T.V.’s in our living rooms happened throughout America which started earlier this past year.   Than what are people in society all over America hanging the cops for doing everything they do by RIOTING (not protesting which are media calls it, what a joke) is really effective.  There is good, bad and ugly in every race, gender, job and will always be that way  One reason for our young ones acting this way is because of no discipline in being brought up.  You need rules, regulations outlined by your parents for structure and organization for the child to know how to behave appropriately to other individuals and know what is right and wrong.  Otherwise you have chaos like this and so many other examples.  Examples like people walking over each other in Walmart Xmas time, , beating up on complete strangers for fun (at least baboons due it to protect their own species).  We on the other hand beat up on each other for fun, or have a fight with our wife than drag her out of an elevator, too many young men robbing old ladies for their money or jewelry after knocking them over with their walker.  Than we have the bullying in schools that continues on in college causing very young adults to resort to suicide from bullying still going on in college.  Pretty low life if you ask me.  I could go on with examples but more important lets look at what discipline actually does for the child in childhood and later as an adult.  Ending line with disciplining your children the higher the odds the child will deal with life more effective being productive in society. Especially if they can learn what winning and losing is and not being hidden in their childhood by allowing schools to teach them everybody wins because that is not true in life.


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