“U.S. We rarely think about breathing except when we have trouble doing so and that’s why every October is Healthy Lung Month.  Tuberculosis, or TB, has been among the most prominent lung diseases in history, with traces of it even being found in ancient Egyptian mummies. It was tuberculosis that prompted the start of the American Lung Association in 1904.  

More recently anti-smoking movements have joined in the healthy lung movement. Cigarette packaging warnings were established in 1966 and years of campaigning have  successfully led to the change in perception of smoking among the American public, with Americans now realizing smoking is a major cause of cancer.

Lung disease affects a huge number of Americans. Around 10 million are diagnosed with chronic bronchitis each year, 25 million are believed to be living with asthma, and over 150,000 die from lung cancer annually. Our lungs are important and Healthy Lung Month is an opportunity to create awareness around healthy lifestyle choices. ”

National TODAY (https://nationaltoday.com/healthy-lung-month/)


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