Fruit help’s you in both diet and health when eaten RIGHT. PART 2

Part2:  How sugars impact on disease & illness:  Fructose is a simple sugar found in fruit, is metabolized to fat in your liver, and eating large amounts has been linked to negative metabolic and endocrine effects.  When eating fruits in very large amounts=High levels of fructose or glucose in the bloodstream which can logically increase your risk number of health conditions, from insulin and leptin resistance to even cancer.  Insulin and leptin work together to control the quality of your metabolism and to a great deal your rate of metabolism (the resistance of them are associated with obesity).   Research shows fructose can impact risks on pancreatic cancer.  It has been proven fructose is used by pancreatic cancer cells for cell division=an increase in the spread of pancreatic cancer.  So eat fruits with vegetables in 50% of your meals and it will impact more of a positive effect on your health and can even help with weight maintenance or weight loss if used right in proportions. Studies have shown fructose (in many fruits), especially taken in large proportions can induce the following in the human body, that are:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   *elevation of triglycerides           *abdominal obesity                  *endothelial dysfunction                  *kidney damage                                                                                *metabolic syndrome                * hypertension (high b/p)            * fatty liver disease                   * microvascular disease         * diabetes and more.                                         So make fruits with vegetables part of your daily life with eating them in 50% of your meals and it will surely impact more of a positive effect on your health.  It can even help with weight loss if used in proper proportions.   Fruit is delicious but if not a fruit fan there is plenty of ways it can be added to vegetables and your meats or fishes=high protein, where you end up falling in love with fruit alone or just find it a great flavor added with other foods as an extra treat.  Making this diet adjustment with having fruit and other good low glycemic foods in your diet can help you reach your goal in losing weight with reaching your optimal level of health in time.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              For further information, go to and join me with others who have seen this pathway work in our own lives.  So far, I lost over 20lbs. through the guidance of Dr. Anderson’s healthy habits which covers all types of foods in your diet, to types of light exercise to even work out (it you want it in your life) and so much more.  Now you know where to look, it’s up to you to make the right choice.  Take a peek with no charge or fee or obligation, just a simple way of adding new ideas possibly to your life to only make it better.  This will make you and possibly impact the people around you with wanting to reach this happier, healthier and longer lifetime.  Just like the car, the better you treat it the longer it lasts the same principle with the human body.  Only you make the choice with possibly spreading this good news that puts a decrease in diseases/illnesses for you and others.  Wouldn’t it be great if this knowledge could spread to the future decade and further on.  Haven’t we lived long enough making poor decisions in our society relating to health overall.  Do you want this to go on in America’s future?  Make the change for the people that make up our country.  Should we just let our politicians and government do the deciding on how much we can drink or what we are allowed to eat.  They only got involved when it started affecting our economy drastically with not enough citizens doing the right healthy habits to keep our health care system affordable, which it isn’t for many.  Let us, the people, make the right choice.  Click onto if you want to take that step for no money, no hacking but just to peek on what the website offers.   Remember to check with your general practitioner before starting any new diet or exercise program, especially if you have any health concerns or diseases.


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