Part 2 How glucose, insulin, and your diet work all together regarding your METABOLISM that controls your weight.

When you eat a meal let’s say breakfast (fasting from the night before) your sugar level in a normal person is about 80.  After the meal in 1hr the sugar level starts peaking as soon as the pancreas senses glucose it starts releasing insulin that does its storage in the different ways previously discussed and by 2 hrs after the meal the glucose level is down again but in people eating 3 large hyperglycemic meals a day you cause these spikes in your glucose levels and are turning on insulin by the pancreas which stimulates up your FAT STORAGE system.  You need to make a change in that diet by eating 6 small low glycemic meals a day (have one meal every 2 to 3 hours).   This shuts down your fat storage.  When eating low glycemic foods like lentils they raise sugar in the body 28% (slightly) as opposed to high glycemic (sugar) foods like pizza, soda, bread, cornflakes.  Your body can handle high glycemic foods occasionally but not daily since it will allow constant high levels of glucose with the pancreas stimulated to frequently release insulin into the bloodstream and this turns on fat storage and converts all extra energy to Fat.   

This extra energy is because the meal was high glucose and what the body needed was used but the excess glucose from the high glycemic meals goes to FAT storage and increases your weight especially if your inactive on a daily basis not including your job unless your a contractor who is on his feet 90 percent of the day.  So what’s the key resolution to weight loss eat 6 low glycemic meals a day= low fat, low carbohydrates, low sugar keeping your baseline glucose at a steady and low sugar level on a regular basis with still treating yourself to occasional high glycemic meals.  Follow this plan and in the first week eating like this I lost 5lbs and in the second week another 5lbs and since 1 to 2 lbs. per week .  Remember don’t start occasional high glycemic meals till you reach your ideal weight that you want to be at.  If you don’t, you put your diet 2-3 days back.


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