Archive | June 2015

The recipe to knowing how to live healthier and longer, but don’t forget to do the cooking

We live for generations relying more on treatment versus prevention (secondary versus primary care). Yes we have drastically improved in the health care system knowledge in leaning more to primary through further research and technology in the past 30 years and more but society has to make a better attempt in following the knowledge we know. Also, we have advanced in practicing prevention to some degree in our American country but not enough by the people in it. The society in our nation making up America has too many that rely on treatment rather than prevention, regarding prevention to diseases or illnesses that develop due to poor eating and poor health habits. Adults alone are 65% obese which is a main cause for certain diseases remaining on the rise in this country due to living lives like some did 30 years ago. These diseases are still on the rise due to our population increase from 30 years ago and some of our people regarding their eating habits out of and even in their homes. When I say American culture that includes the restaurant industries (fast food joints) and social acceptance of the do’s and don’ts in our communities (based on what’s allowed on TV and even radio to advertising companies promoting burgers with French fries on them for example). Out of homes in America we are exposed to many behaviors that can set back our health from fast foods, lack of allowing kids to play in a baseball fields playing all types of active sports with safe/ responsible adults in the fields or allowing kids to use playgrounds because in most cases they don’t have a permit to use that area due to their county rules causing children to have an increase in the desire to be non-active due to already being in front of the computer several hours a day or even watching TV instead of just doing 30 to 60 minutes of exercise squeezed in their daily schedules somewhere with their parents if needed for safety. If they could do it 50 years ago they can fit it in 30 or 60 minutes today or should you have had the child (meaning make the time, it is for their benefit). Enough of parents are both working today and can’t afford the time to even be in the play fields with their young ones trying to get food to the table or paying monthly bills. So if day care centers or better even schools get involved than they should be fitting in active exercising, again the least 30 to 60 minutes a day (that’s all, I’m not saying 4 hours like a football game). Because of this non-active and poor dieting behavior we inflict on ourselves and young ones either increasing risks of or the cause of or worsening of diseases or illnesses in American citizens (again due to poor diet and habits). Any citizen in this country that has these problems diagnosed already also; ending line its due to the diet or the poor health habits practiced in the individual’s life, unless born with, that in the end causes weight gain to obesity and sedentary lifestyle in a child besides an adult, as well. If you and others knew in our country the baby steps in becoming healthier NOW not tomorrow (Ex. You’ve heard the line I’ll start next month with next month never happening or this will be my New Year’s resolution on Christmas and it’s already forgotten on Jan. 1st) which over years could benefit your life line by giving it high probability that you would be extending it dramatically if you followed through with your goal, especially if you start in your younger years with no illness/disease or very little. Unfortunately a lot end up with the poor health due to their sedentary life style being started through their diet and poor healthy habits. Don’t put it off anymore, take the first step, and make the change our home sweet home needs to have happen which will increase the changes you need to a better mind and body. Join me with others in learning healthy habits. Prevent the following diseases that obesity (poor diet and habits) can cause, which are:


  1. High Blood Pressure–High blood pressure is the primary cause of death among Americans older than 25. About 75 million people suffer from high blood pressure or hypertension, which is a major risk factor for heart disease. Blood pressure tends to increase with weight gain and age. It is through logic why high B/P is associated with obesity. However, research has shown that obese patients displayed an increase in blood volume and arterial resistance causing more stress to the heart=lack of 02 to the heart. For people who are overweight and have high blood pressure, losing as little as 8 pounds can help reduce blood pressure to a safe level the key is get in your body mass index or therapeutic weight.
  2. Diabetes (DM)–Obesity is considered one of the most significant factors in the development of insulin resistance, and insulin resistance can lead to type 2 diabetes. According to the World Health Organization, more than 90 percent of diabetes patients worldwide have type 2 diabetes. Being overweight or obese contributes to the development of diabetes by making cells more resistant to the effects of insulin. Insulin allows glucose (simple sugar) to pass into our cells and tissues, if not hyperglycemia will happen=DM. A weight loss of 15-20 pounds can help you decrease your risk of developing type 2 diabetes
  3. Heart Disease — According to the American Heart Association, obesity is a major risk factor for developing coronary heart disease, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke. People who are overweight again stress the heart out, & are at a greater risk of suffering a heart attack before the age of 45. Obese adolescents have a greater chance of having a heart attack before the age of 35 than non-obese adolescents. If you are overweight, losing 10-15 pounds can reduce your risk of developing heart disease. If you exercise regularly, the risk of developing heart disease falls even more.
  4. High Cholesterol levels — High cholesterol is one of the leading causes of heart attacks. Cholesterol is transported through your blood in two ways: the low density lipoprotein (LDL), which transports cholesterol to the cells that need it, and the high density lipoprotein (HDL), which is the healthy cholesterol that reduces your risk for heart attack. Having high LDL levels raises your risk of having heart disease by 20 percent. Losing 11-20 pounds can help you significantly reduce your cholesterol level.
  5. Cancer — A study by the American Heart Association found that being overweight increases your chances for developing cancer by 50 percent. Women have a higher risk of developing cancer if they are more than 20 pounds overweight. Regular exercise and a weight loss of as little as 12 pounds can significantly decrease the risk.
  6. Infertility — Being obese can cause changes in the hormonal levels of women, which can result in ovarian failure. Women who are 15-25 pounds overweight are at a higher risk of suffering from infertility and ovarian cancer. Our bodies need to be at an appropriate weight to produce the right amount of hormones and regulate ovulation and menstruation. Don’t think men are immune to infertility. Overweight men have a greater chance of developing motility and a lower sperm count. Shedding 12-14 pounds can help you lower the risks.
  7. Back Pain — Obesity is one the contributing factors of back and joint pain. Excessive weight can cause injury to the most vulnerable parts of the spine, which carries the body’s weight. When it has to carry excess weight, the odds of suffering from a spinal injury or structural damage increase. Being overweight also raises the risk of developing osteoporosis, lower back pain, arthritis, and osteoarthritis. Losing 10-15 pounds can help you decrease the risk of developing these problems.
  8. Skin Ulcers & leading to infected ulcers — Obese and overweight individuals may have skin that folds over on itself. These creased areas can become irritated from the rubbing and sweating, which can cause alteration in the skin from a rash first forming to an actual ulcer of the skin occuring that can lead to ulcer skin infections (local infections) that can go further into systemic infections (which is an infection throughout the circulatory system).
  9. Gastric Ulcers — According to a study by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), obesity can be a contributing factor to the development of gastric ulcers. Gastric ulcers occur when there is an imbalance between the amount of hydrochloric acid that is secreted and the enzyme pepsin. Overweight men are at a greater risk of developing gastric ulcers than women. A weight loss of as little as 7 pounds can help reduce the risk.
  10. Gallstones — Being severely overweight increases the risk of developing gallstones, especially in women. Gallstones are caused when the liver releases excessive amounts of bile, which is stored in the gallbladder. Gallstones are more common in older women and those with a family history of gallstones. Losing 4-9 pounds reduces the risk of developing gallstones. Moderate exercise also can help lower your risk.

If you are healthy but need to know the key to decreasing disease or illness later in life or suffer from type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes, cardiac disease including high blood pressure or cholesterol and need to lose weight with living a better diet & practicing healthier habits, I can help you get the knowledge in understanding why it is s so imperative to manage without or with the disease through nutrition and fitness education including behavior modification in learning healthy habits that will help you lose weight or even prevent disease.


The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”

Albert Einstein (14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955) Was a German-born theoretical physicist. known for his influence on the philosophy of science, developed the general theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics (alongside quantum mechanics).

Children/Adolescents and health today

It is the role of the government and people of America to help solve problems with society, including our health crises.  Obesity is a health epidemic across our country, and we have a responsibility to promote good nutrition and healthy eating so we can reverse this alarming trend.

Learning young about healthy habits in your diet which includes the foods you eat on a regular basis with taking in moderation treats is vital to your turn out later in life.  These treats would be from fast foods to even deserts that are not low in calories or fat or cholesterol or carbohydrates (Ex. Cheesecake, milk chocolate, pie, etc…).  You need to keep your weight or the body mass index in therapeutic range while balancing rest and exercise that will help decrease the percentage of disease in your body with hopefully impacting others in this generation and the ones to follow in living this lifestyle.    Let us not forget today’s middle age or later age group in America with disease factors already set in are due to early unhealthy eating and lifestyle for many years;  but you can also change your eating habits with exercising moderately and have better health results also (It is recommended that your general practitioner clear you with diet and activity first, especially if diagnosed with disease or illness already). 

The government helps out by passing through Congress in 2010 rules required under a child nutritional law in their effort to get childhood obesity decreased to a minimum, one day, like some countries.  Society has gotten involved where schools took action with improving their lunches and even vending machine options with others still selling high fat & high calorie foods.  Parents and teachers still have to work harder with reinforcing healthy eating habits in their children both in the home and classroom setting so that the future will be a healthier one for them and their children.  For this to take place today’s children have to walk a pathway at a young age to get in the state of mind to strive for overall wellness.  This will definitely decrease certain diseases caused by poor eating habits with sedentary lifestyles, sooner than you think. 

From Feb. 2013 the agriculture department already involved regulating nutritional content of school breakfasts and lunches that have already been subsidized by the federal government, but most lunch rooms also have a la carte lines that sell other foods and hopefully that has changed.  Also, food sold through vending machines and in other ways outside the lunchroom has never before been federally regulated as of Feb. 2013. 

Mom and Dad your peeps need your guidance not just the schools or the government, since they don’t always use the best judgment but in being fair neither did all parents in history going back 30 to 50 years for lack of knowledge or not caring, which is the same for many today still (Ex. Smoking, eating high fat, no exercise, etc..).  If all three were successful we would have less percentage in diseases or illnesses that are now still in high proportions not just due to heredity or sex or race or age risk factors (meaning not modifiable risk factors, which we can’t control).  These factors for some may have been the primary reasons for getting the diagnosis of the disease/illness they have but for many it is due to, 100% or contributed to their modifiable risk factors, with living poor health habits that are modifiable risk factors meaning we have control in these factors through changing them.  If the overall USA controlled their modifiable risk factors in time we would see this country healthier, with less disease, living longer, helping our future generations  start on the right pathway to wellness at a young age with not  reaching their middle age or older with health injuries that could have been prevented in many cases (Examples would be Atherosclerosis=blockages in are vessels leading to many heart attacks or strokes, Diabetes II, coronary artery disease, and more.). 

 It has to start somewhere and the drive to a healthy USA is increasing healthier habits in our daily lives, join me.   Do you want a better body, or expanding a healthier society overall?  Let’s spread a universal fit way of living today and later with making all ages more “lean and mean” with less disease.  Living healthier has to start somewhere, why not today.

Causes of right sided vs. left sided HEART FAILURE and their symptoms!


mornal heart

Normal Heart                vs    Right Failure       Left  Failure

Look at the size difference of the chambers and the muscle of the heart thick/stiff or weakened so proper filling of blood is affected terribly depending on the degree of heart failure on the Rt. or Lt side.  The worse it is the worse the signs and symptoms will be due to the failure.

Common causes of left-sided failure include the following:

Drinking too much alcohol/Heart attack/Heart muscle infections/High blood pressure /Hypothyroidism /Leaking or narrow heart valves/Any other disease that damages the heart muscle/Poor left-side heart function due to prior heart attacks

Causes of right-sided heart failure include:

left-sided heart failure already existing spreading into right sided heart failure/  lung diseases such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema/Other causes include congenital heart disease/ clots in pulmonary arteries/ pulmonary hypertension and heart valve disease.

If you have Lt. or Rt. sided heart failure think what happens; the heart is not as strong on that side meaning it can’t do its function (pumping) as good as it use to on the side that is affected. It will be the same concept as piping not working properly. Fluids start to reverse backwards and in some cases leaks. Knowing the anatomy of how the blood flows from each side you can realize and understand the symptoms that are occurring. The symptoms of heart failure are largely determined by which side of the heart fails. Remember each side receives and delivers blood from different areas of the body.

The left sided heart failure also known as Systolic Failure, which is when the left ventricle loses its ability to contract normally. The heart can’t pump with enough force to push enough blood into circulation. The fluids back up but where? The blood reverses backward from the aorta going back up the Lt. ventricle through the mitral valve going up into the Lt. atrium that goes back up through the pulmonary vein into the lungs:

So the type of symptoms you can see with left side heart failure which is symptoms caused by blood/fluids reversing in the lungs would be:

Cough (produces frothy or blood-tinged mucus) with shortness of breath (SOB)/

Decreased urine production-retaining fluids in the body/

Difficulty lying down; need to sleep with the head elevated to avoid SOB/

Fatigue, weakness, faintness/

Irregular or rapid pulse-stress on the heart to do its function which can cause irregular pulse. /

Sensation of feeling the heartbeat (palpitations)- same as above/

Shortness of breath-fluids reversing backwards to the lungs/

Waking up due to shortness of breath (paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea)-fluids going backwards to the lungs/

Weight gain from fluid retention-fluids going backwards and not the regular amount reaching the kidneys at first causing fluid to retain in the body./


  • Symptoms in infants may include:



Now let’s look at right sided heart failure symptoms; again think where the blood backs up. We are now going from the Rt. Ventricle back up the tricuspid valve to the Rt. Atrium backing out of the heart going up the superior vena cava and mostly the inferior vena cava due to the principle of gravity.  So we now know the fluid primarily goes downward not back upward to the brain, due to gravity.   What this means is this; fluid will back up into your abdomen, legs and feet, causing swelling.

The signs and symptoms you may see with Rt. sided heart failure is these:

Fatigue/Declining exercise capacity/Swelling in your abdomen, legs or veins in your neck/Abnormal heart rhythms/Pulsing in your neck/An enlarged liver/Shortness of breath with activity.

The symptoms all relate to where the blood and fluids in the blood (ex. H20, which is in the blood) are flowing backward too.  All are symptoms created by the backflow due to the heart not its normal level of functioning in pumping due to heart failure.

Systolic heart failure is the left ventricle can’t contract vigorously, indicating a pumping problem.

Diagnostic heart failure the left ventricle can’t relax or fill fully, indicating a filling problem.  

Look at the top diagrams and see what it does to the chambers of the heart in affecting the flow of blood, our ejection fraction

What is ejection fraction?

Ejection fraction is a test that determines how well your heart pumps with each beat.

Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) is the measurement of how much blood is being pumped out of the left ventricle of the heart (the main pumping chamber) with each contraction.

Right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) is the measurement of how much blood is being pumped out of the right side of the heart to the lungs for oxygen.

In most cases, the term “ejection fraction”=EF refers to left ventricular ejection fraction.

A healthy heart beats about 60 to 80 times per minute to pump blood throughout the body. The right and left sides of the heart work together.

What do the numbers mean for EF or left ventricular EF (LVEF)?

Ejection fraction is usually expressed as a percentage. A normal heart pumps a little more than half the heart’s blood volume with each beat. (1)

A normal LVEF ranges from 55-70%. A LVEF of 65, for example, means that 65% of the total amount of blood in the left ventricle is pumped out with each heartbeat.

The LVEF may be lower when the heart muscle has become damaged due to a heart attack, heart muscle disease (cardiomyopathy), or other causes.

An EF of less than 40% may confirm a diagnosis of heart failure. Someone with diastolic failure can have a normal EF.

An EF of less than 35% increases the risk of life- threatening irregular heartbeats that can cause sudden cardiac arrest (loss of heart function) and sudden cardiac death. An implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) may be recommended for these patients.

Your EF can go up and down, based on your heart condition and the therapies that have been prescribed for you in cardiac rehab or just activity alone.  The EF pumps out of the LV what is therapeutic for whatever activity we do.

Know how the heart works anatomically!


The heart works like a pump and beats 100,000 times a day. For the heart to do its function therapeutically it needs another organ to be involved called the lungs or the body could not live. If one of these organs gets damaged in time the other organ gets affected with no treatment the person will die sooner in life (Ex. Heart Failure in time affects the lungs to respiratory failure). A good metaphor for this is the car; if the engine gets damaged with no repair, in time the transmission will get affected; with no repair at all the car will die.

One of the main functions of the red blood cells (RBCs) is to carry oxygen throughout the body to give all tissues our food to stay alive, that would be oxygen. For this to take place this is done through the heart beating nonstop which allows the flow of blood to be running continuous in our blood stream (circulatory system) and at the same time this allows our cells in the blood stream to get to the lungs for oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange. These 3 functions could not take place if the heart wasn’t pumping blood to and from the heart/lungs 24 hrs a day.

This is what takes place when the heart pumps our blood:

The red blood cells carry oxygen and remove the ending result of oxygen used by our tissues, called carbon dioxide=CO2. To get rid of the CO2 (a toxin) in our body the gas is carried from our body by carrying CO2 to the lungs through the RBCs. The high CO2 with low oxygen (O2) concentration RBCs go to one side of the heart (being the right side) to get CO2 removed in exchange for more O2 in a red blood cell (RBC) this is done at the base of the lungs. This is done through breathing.  Then these RBCs get highly oxygenated which then proceed to the left side of the heart. These RBCs get pumped throughout the body where the tissues utilize the oxygen in the RBCs by transferring O2 from the RBCs to the tissue as their food to stay alive. Without oxygen our tissues would starve and we would die. For the oxygen to be transported to the tissues of the body (as their food) it works like this: After the right side of the heart pumps blood to the lungs with high CO2 concentration RBCs, while we inhale to allow more oxygen in the cells at the bottom of the lungs an exchange of gas concentration in the RBCs takes place. The cells release CO2 which is released out of our body through exhaling but also when we inhale more 02 is transported into the RBCs to take another trip around the body releasing the high 02 levels to the tissues that need to utilize it BUT to do this the blood now is sent to the left side of the heart. For all this to take place the heart pumps to transport the oxygen throughout the body giving nutrition to the tissues, without it=cellular starvation but at the same time sends high CO2 RBCs to the right side for a 02/CO2 exchange at the lungs by going through the right side of the heart.  

The heart has two sides, separated by an inner wall called the septum. The septum divides the right from the left side of the heart since the right and left chambers do different functions, as described above. Remember the right side of the heart is sending RBCs with highier CO2 concentration and a low oxygen concentration. You have these RBCs coming from above the heart finally entering the Rt upper chamber (Right Atrium=RA) called the Superior Vena Cava with below the heart the Inferior Vena Cava the meet into each other dumping the high CO2 blood into the RA. Then the blood goes through a valve called the tricuspid valve dumping the blood into the Rt.lower chamber called Rt. Ventricle and through the pulmonary valve going via the pulmonary artery (one of the few arteries with high CO2 concentration, usually arteries high in 02 concentration) dumping the blood at the base of the lungs for 02 and CO2 exchange when we inhale and exhale. After the gas exchange takes place the red blood cells become higher oxygenated in levels and much lower in carbon dioxide levels. Inside a cell is never 100% 02 or CO2. Now this high oxygenated blood goes to the left side of the heart leaving the lungs via the pulmonary vein (one of the few veins high in O2). The blood dumps now in the L upper chamber=Lt. atrium down through the mitral valve to the left ventricle proceeding to the aorta where the high concentrated RBCs go throughout the body dispensing oxygen to our tissues where it is needed.

If you look the right side sends blood from the heart to lungs back to heart=short distance so the muscle on the right side is thin compared to the left side. The reason for this is the left side of the heart receives the oxygen-rich blood from the lungs and pumps it to throughout the body. The left side of the heart has to dispense the high (O2) blood throughout the body so that side of the heart works out more in pumping; so the muscle on the left side is larger than the right side. The muscle of the heart is called myocardium (myo=muscle and cardium=the heart).

Let’s review the heart anatomy. It has 4 chambers in it. Two chambers are on the right side and another two on the left. The right side of the heart has only higher concentrated CO2 blood going through that side to get to the lungs for more oxygen through entrance to the right side; it removes the toxin CO2 from our body. The left side of the heart has only high oxygenated blood entering that side to have our food, O2, get dispensed throughout our tissues to stay alive. Without 02 we would go through cellular/tissue starvation. The heart moves the oxygen throughout the body via its pumping action whereas the lungs provide us the oxygen via inhaling with removing the toxin CO2 from the RBCs via exhaling.

Knowing the anatomy of the heart is so important especially to disease. We know there is a right and left side of the heart and each side having 2 chambers with completely different functions. There is left sided and right sided heart failure which can be caused by congested heart failure (CHF) or due to a massive MI in where the attack actually took place (the anterior or posterior side of the heart and the right side vs the left side.


Chlamydia is a common STD that can infect both men and women. It can cause serious, permanent damage to a woman’s reproductive system, making it difficult or impossible for her to get pregnant later on.

CDC (centers for disease control and prevention)