Archive | April 2015

The top 4 diseases in America!

th3YVKK6L3The news in the past year on and off has been filled with stories about Ebola, breast cancer and Methicillin Resistant Staph Aureus (MRSA) which all gets a lot of press today. Would it surprise you to know that neither makes the list of the 10 deadliest diseases in the USA? Even more surprising, perhaps, is that several of the deadliest diseases, including the number one killer in the world, are at least partially preventable. It is right under are nose people but it doesn’t seem to be a topic of discussion in SCHOOL, you when young, taught at that grade level for the child to comprehend, absorb information, remember it, most important to start on good health habits young to keep disease in their life low. It is not even a standard topic in college to pass on health education which obviously our country needs based on the statistics of disease and just obesity alone which causes a lot of the diseases after being obese for a long period of time which could have been prevented but for millions of people it is not the priority over food. Why? It takes an individual to want to make change in their life either drastically or gradually depending on how much to you need to or desire to lose weight. The people that surround you frequently and that are important to you helps if they are supporting that cause since it helps first you and all the people around you; like your children and even significant other to other family members (mom, close cousin, etc…) and even friends. If we all made this a cause our health care system would end up being a lot more affordable for all but we the society make it difficult with too many staying unhealthy. Wake up Americans take care of yourself to help yourself and all around you.   Where a person lives, having the access to preventive care, and the quality of healthcare provided in a community are all factors that can either benefit or put people in that community into the risk of obesity. Surprising news is that we, due to not regarding our health as a priority in many areas of the USA show the following statistics: Of all the causes of death in the US, the leading top 10 causes account for nearly 75% of all deaths and the top 3 causes account for over 50% of all deaths in the country, with the main culprits remaining relatively consistent for at least the last five years.

The top leading 10 causes of death are:

  1. Heart disease (which can be prevented)
  2. Cancer (malignant neoplasms). Some cancers without question can be prevented (lung CA due to smoking)
  3. Chronic lower respiratory disease (same as above if we are referring to emphysema and its due to smoking)
  4. Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases) (this also in many cases can be prevented)       Check out Monday’s article.
  5. Accidents (unintentional injuries)
  6. Alzheimer’s disease
  7. Diabetes (diabetes mellitus) If its diabetes II; usually due to obesity and diet.
  8. Influenza and pneumonia
  9. Kidney disease (nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis)
  10. Suicide (intentional self-harm).

Check out Part II tomorrow Monday!


Do you have stress?

stressstress image

One way of looking at life is whatever challenges comes your way know you will survive and for any losses you may experience when looking back on them take the positive aspects or memories not the negative that builds a bad effect on you (Ex. Insomnia to depression to high blood pressure to alcoholism to drugs).   A positive effect can be as simple as a smile when reflecting memories, which FYI allows less frowning that will cause less wrinkles on the forehead, as we get older. Sometimes it’s not that simply and when it gets harder take up a constructive way of dealing with it (Ex. Work out at your level, walking, singing, go to a comedy movie, get together with friends go out, and do anything that gets your mind off of the stress and even out of your body through work out at the gym to just biking or walking.).

For starters stress is a body reaction to CHANGE. How to you look at change? Easy, positive! It may not appear easy at first but try to look at this change as a sense of difficulty yet a challenge with a victory in the end, if approached right. Let us take the following challenges, for example – Having a child leave home for college or marriage, losing a home with this economy, a loss of a friend in your life: How do you look at these experiences positive?

Well for the child I would be so happy for her or him starting college life with my worries but know I raised her or him well and if he makes mistakes on the way he will learn to get up off the ground and fix them knowing he can come to me or dad whenever he has the need or if we sense a problem we would address it (Its part of life=growing up). Another aspect to look at regarding this stress is there is loss in the parent role so fill up that loss with a new hobby, or get active in whatever organization you are in (Ex. Church, Temple, School, to just taking up ceramics or do more traveling with your spouse and friends).   I had my falls with the stresses that I have come across but got up every time to stand again, some quicker than other times.

How do you deal with losing a home with this economy well appreciate the good memories you had when you had the home and pick up starting a new life elsewhere with making it a journey down the yellow brick road leading you to where the rainbow is at the end; don’t look at it as a loss.

Dealing with losing a friend, again, the way I look at it is I appreciate the time I had with her or him and know they haven’t left me in spirit (if deceased).   If the person is still living know there are reasons for everything; whatever the cause was for the reason for the relationship parting and when out of my control I think of how I had a good friendship as opposed to never having one with that individual. I accept that nothing lasts forever or indefinitely, with appreciating the time I may have had with the person. Ending note is I look at life this way, whatever positive entity comes in my life may be taken away from me and appreciate every moment you spend with that person or thing in your life that you love so much (including my life span that only upstairs knows how long that time factor will be but I try to live a life at its healthiest optimal level with practicing positive behavior which is knowing whatever stressors come my way there is always someone worse off and with God I can face anything.

If I don’t deal with stress like this than I can expect complications that may arise, just like for anyone else who looks at challenges coming their way in a negative sense. You commonly see stress become a negative experience when a person faces continuous challenges/stressors without relief or relaxation between the them. The ending result is the person becomes overworked and stress-related tension builds. Stress that continues without positive resolution at some level can cause a condition called distress, which is a negative stress reaction. The physical reactions that happen to your body due to negative stress:

-Elevated high blood pressure –Headaches –Chest Pain –Upset Stomach   –Insomnia –Grinding of the teeth –Jaw Tension –Teeth grinded down       –Irritability –Anger –Panic episodes –Vasoconstriction to our vessels   causing increases to the heart rate –Decreases sex drive –Depression (Research even suggests that stress also can bring on or worsen certain symptoms or diseases.)

Stress costs American industry more than $300 billion annually.

The lifetime prevalence of an emotional disorder is more than 50%, often due to chronic, untreated stress reactions.

Stress is a normal part of life. Many events that happen to you and around you — and many things that you do yourself (Ex. Work 40 to 60 hrs a week in a highly stressful job, like a policeman) – will put stress on your body. You can experience stress from your environment, your body, and your thoughts. You can also cause the stress to impact your body with first just signs and symptoms (s/s) developing, that are listed above, but without relief of the stress these s/s can lead you into a disease/illness forming or even make the diagnose (s) you already have even worse.

Many signs and symptoms pick up when exposed to continual stress or stresses that just build up on top of each other causing some people in developing unhealthy habits, poor dieting, and the lack of desire to be as active as they were which in turn develops conditions that would not have occurred if this negative behavior didn’t happen over a long period of time.

This behavior with the stress or stresses you are experiencing increases the probability of health conditions starting to take place in your body or if you’re with certain diagnoses already the stress can possibly impact your body by worsening the condition.   The conditions that can develop from any age of being under continual stress over a period of time are:

-ADD or ADHD –Panic disorders –High blood pressure –Anti-arrhythmias -Cardiac Disease -Diabetes 1 or Diabetes 2 -Stroke –Irritable Bowel Syndrome –Weight Gain/Obesity –Fibromyalgia –Complex Regional Pain Syndrome –ETOH -Depression and so much more.

How to bypass developing conditions that can be caused from the long constant stress or stresses you experience? One method is fight back (fight or flight), and when it gets really difficult don’t turn to bad heath patterns in your life to deal with the stressors turn to a healthy diet, keeping a healthy weight for your body mass index (BMI) so you can deal better with fighting the stressors in your life (if not sure what your BMI is check online to find out how to calculated it, it is for free), and practice healthy habits. You may be saying how to I even go about that or maybe it’s easy for me but not true. Let me shine some light on this topic. I was there many times before and found a resolution to help deal better with my stresses through a change in eating and I lost 22 lbs. and still I am trying with being physically challenged at this moment to get to my optimal shape. If you want to check out how to deal effectively with your stress and live a healthier life for prevention of complications that stress can cause go to You will learn both through Dr. Anderson and his book “Dr. A’s habits of health”. This will help you in dealing with stressors as well as boost up your health with losing weight and learning healthy habits in living. Through Dr. Anderson’s book you will learn about all 4 food groups in how to eat the foods, when to eat the foods, what portion sizes to use, with learning even about diseases and illnesses that can occur through poor habits in diet, activity, and more. If this this news spreads throughout America it would make our country much healthier which we could use for now and in the future. This is not a recruiting organization but a company that can help you and many others live a better and possibly longer life.

Hope I have helped you in someway dealing with any stress in your life. Also, I hope to hear from you both with your comments on the articles you read on my blog with visiting the website in taking the right step to reach the optimal level of your heath including learning methods that help you deal the best you can with stress.



“We all have them – those horrible memories that make us feel like crawling under the bed to hide from the past. Bad memories can become all-consuming if you don’t address the problem head on. Facing the memories and describing them out loud is an effective way to defuse the anxiety they bring. It might take some time, but if you’re determined to stop the memories from consuming your mind, you’ll find a way.”

WIKI how to do

Proper dieting and regular walking . How it helps the human body stay healthy.

First diet doesn’t necessarily mean you’re on a struggle eating special foods. Diet can simply mean that the foods that your eating and if done regularly eating foods HIGH in FAT, CHO (carbohydrates), CALORIES, and SUGAR you will also be high in your weight count unless you are working out extensively since it allows you to burn off the excess in FAT, CHO, CALORIES and SUGAR that the body doesn’t need. What also plays a role is your activity and this does not include your regular activities of daily living (so work doesn’t count even if you are in a job constantly on your feet, like possibly a Doctor, a traffic controller, or even a Nurse, like myself for over 25 years, in hospital settings…).   So some form of exercise, not having to be aerobic but if you do more power to you, it has to be done daily or every 2 to 3 times a day. Why and how does this help the body?

Is there anyone out there like myself that had nice legs but in time became bigger where you went from having 2 tone frankfurter legs ( nice and juicy) to 2 fat sausages looking well done (cellulite kicking in) causing you to cover them up with only fitting into dark leggings. Well I resolved this problem and it didn’t take vigorous working out either. It took discipline with the understanding of how the body works in creating pounds of additional fat/cellulite on the body due to diet and not doing routine or any exercise. My arms, abdomen, face with the neck (to some degree) started looking better through my diet change.   I increased my metabolism and kept it at a steady rate=6 small low glycemic meals a day which takes into account the amount of fats, CHOs, sugars, calories and small HIGH PROTEIN meal sizes that you eat.   The ending result when eating high glycemic meals and even large portion low glycemic meals causes fat storage in the body=cellulite, which we see in time. This is due to meals that are too high in calories, fat, sugars, CHO’s. Most adult Americans are overweight (over 60%) this is because many eat more than what the body needs for energy at that one time. After the energy that is needed by the body at that time is used from that meal then the extra energy=free circulating glucose in the bloodstream gets stored somewhere in the body causing an increase in fat storage on the body=Increase in the body weight.   Keep in mind ladies after 40 y/o pre and actual menopause occurs at sometime. This causes the metabolism to slow down even more which in turn causes an increase in the chance of putting weight on at the abdomen, legs, & hips. Our fuel for the body is FOOD&one of the ending products making up our fuel is glucose & when used in excess=a large meal, you store a lot of glucose away=fat storage=Wt. gain.   For further info go to my web page. 1

Another key in keeping healthy and even toning up muscles, especially in the legs is WALKING. This activity helps the body in 2 major ways (without doing major work-outs). One it helps the human body in both toning it (particularly the legs) and losing weight. Than 2 it helps prevent certain diseases, especially if you are still young adolescence or a young adult aged without disease at this time .

What physical activity does (even just walking briskly for 1-2 miles a day or 2-3x a week on a routine basis) will help in weight and health. Other than regular activities of daily living, like walking, burns calories, increases your good cholesterol (HDL) and decreases your unhealthy triglycerides. This helps prevent certain cardiac diseases; like blockages in the arteries=arthrosclerosis or strokes due to blockages or even helping someone already diagnosed with it by maintaining it with other RX methods (Ex. Meds, diet, etc…). Walking and even jogging improve circulation in the legs, and proper circulation helps ward off the development of varicose veins. Exercise also reduces overall high blood pressure and strengthens your entire circulatory system. The higher in the intensity of the activity the higher in number of calories you burn which includes CHO’s.   Activity/Exercise causes your metabolism to increase giving you an extra boost of energy (can even boost up the sex life, you have that extra energy) I have even increased my activity outside at home using the pool and walking with my sweetheart & dogs on our 2+ acres which makes a nice walk for all. It has proven to me that it has improved my sleep from doing the activity at least 4 to 6 hours, if not earlier, before sleeping, since it does increase your metabolism causing you to be more awake at first. Activity in your life can only benefit you, Remember to check with your general practitioner before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have any health concerns/diseases.  If you want to learn more about how to diet with exercise (not necessarily intense workout) and make yourself healthier with even getting others involved to do the same than join me at my website and read the information it provides and see if this is something you would want. No fee, no charge, no donations or hacking. I hope you join me; if I can do it, you can do it. All it takes is a little drive in wanting to feel and even look better for yourself and others being a good mentor (for children, spouse, family, and friends, etc…) to spread healthiness in the USA.   It would benefit everyone (even our healthcare system) in time=less disease/illness for the next era and even generation to come. Thank you for your time.


It is clear that obesity is detrimental to the health of adults, and an increasing number of studies show that overweight children are at higher risk of developing dyslipidemia, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and other weight-related morbidities.  Behavioral, environmental, and social factors in addition to a genetic predisposition may be associated with a child becoming overweight.

JAMA Pediatrics

Children/Adolescents and their health today

It is the role of the government and people of America to help solve problems with society, including our health crises.  Obesity is a health epidemic across our country, and we have a responsibility to promote good nutrition and healthy eating so we can reverse this alarming trend. Learning young about healthy habits in your diet which includes the foods you eat on a regular basis with taking in moderation treats is vital to your turn out later in life.  These treats would be from fast foods to even deserts that are not low in calories or fat or cholesterol or carbohydrates (Ex. Cheesecake, milk chocolate, pie, etc…).  You need to keep your weight or the body mass index in therapeutic range while balancing rest and exercise that will help decrease the percentage of disease in your body with hopefully impacting others in this generation and the ones to follow in living this lifestyle.    Let us not forget today’s middle age or later age group in America with disease factors already set in are due to early unhealthy eating and lifestyle for many years;  but you can also change your eating habits with exercising moderately and have better health results also (It is recommended that your general practitioner clear you with diet and activity first, especially if diagnosed with disease or illness already).  The government helps out by passing through Congress in 2010 rules required under a child nutritional law in their effort to get childhood obesity decreased to a minimum, one day, like some countries.  Society has gotten involved where schools took action with improving their lunches and even vending machine options with others still selling high fat & high calorie foods.  Parents and teachers still have to work harder with reinforcing healthy eating habits in their children both in the home and classroom setting so that the future will be a healthier one for them and their children.  For this to take place today’s children have to walk a pathway at a young age to get in the state of mind to strive for overall wellness.  This will definitely decrease certain diseases caused by poor eating habits with sedentary lifestyles, sooner than you think.  From Feb. 2013 the agriculture department already involved regulating nutritional content of school breakfasts and lunches that have already been subsidized by the federal government, but most lunch rooms also have a la carte lines that sell other foods and hopefully that has changed.  Also, food sold through vending machines and in other ways outside the lunchroom has never before been federally regulated as of Feb. 2013.  Mom and Dad your peeps need your guidance not just the schools or the government, since they don’t always use the best judgment but in being fair neither did all parents in history going back 30 to 50 years for lack of knowledge or not caring (Ex. Smoking, eating high fat, no exercise, etc..).  If all three were successful we would have less percentage in diseases or illnesses that are now are still in high proportions not just due to heredity or sex or race or age risk factors (meaning not modifiable risk factors, which we can’t control).  These factors for some may have been the primary reasons for getting the diagnosis of the disease/illness they have but for many it is due to, 100% or contributed to their modifiable risk factors, with living poor health habits that are modifiable risk factors meaning we have control in these factors through changing them.  If the overall USA controlled their modifiable risk factors in time we would see this country healthier, with less disease, living longer, helping our future generations  start on the right pathway to wellness at a young age with not  reaching their middle age or older with health injuries that could have been prevented in many cases (Ex. would be Atherosclerosis=blockages in are vessels leading to many heart attacks or strokes, Diabetes II, coronary artery disease, and more.).                                                                                                      It has to start somewhere and the drive to a healthy USA is increasing healthier habits in our daily lives, join me.   Do you want a better body, or expanding a healthier society overall?  Than stop searching, move forward with me trying to get back into workout and click onto if you can even use help with your diet.  It will give you the direction to reaching both a better body and society, if enough do it.  Let’s spread a universal fit way of living today and later with making all ages more “lean and mean” with less disease.  There are no tricks like fee charges, donations, hacking, or subscribing to something, go to the website and take a peek if you need assistance.  Your just glancing at a web site seeing what it has to offer, come on by.  Remember you make all the choices and no pressure.  There are advantages to healthier living–a longer life but a more active one.

Obesity and how it only slows down lives in America, of all ages.

For so many years America has been warned about being overweight/unhealthy but still today the majority of Americans (all age groups) are obese, up to 2/3 of our country. To the point it affects society in the U.S. that even our politicians have to ban certain drinks or foods to the public since many can’t take the better choice on their own for the healthier moves which is taking foods/drinks that are high in sugar or fat or calories in moderation or even occasionally. Instead our society goes the less healthier direction that causes many cardiac (blockages in the vessels), endocrine (Diabetes II) with many other diseases as a ending result, in time. No matter if you are in a high or low income bracket there are affordable foods that you can have in your diet with gradually increasing to 30 minutes of exercise daily or every other day in your life, of course in time. It’s just like watching TV, you just have to fit it in your life and in time it will become a regular part of your activities of daily living with not making you feel as if this is a burden but routine. If you want to live a longer life, help decrease disease in our country then make a move whether young, mid-age or even older. It is like a wound that our society over generations allowed to happen, in time. The ending result is 2/3 of our country is obese, do we want to continue making this wound larger. We already have caused a large number of obesity but like all wounds, time heals all wounds (if not completely than to a degree and in America the case is a large one). We are now in a technology that knows what foods high in fat, high in sugar, high in carbohydrates, high in calories on a daily basis in all yours meals can cause which is obesity as the ending result.   We are a stronger nation in all colors, races, ages, and sexes with knowing the knowledge of what to do.  Do you want a better fit body or even an overall healthier family including grandchildren and even our country than take the action NOW. For your goal in playing a part in living healthier and spreading the good news. Also, for the next decade & generation to be healthier will help Americans holistically in their lives all around (including our health care showing a spread of disease in lower percentage due to healthier dieting and activity choices by our people, who are so important in helping to decide where the health of the present and future of the US citizens lie. Should it take our government to make a move (finally after so many years)? I know I wouldn’t want them making the last move in our society and if you want to take part in joining me (at almost 50 y/o) than go to and be a part of making our home a healthy USA.


Cellulite is a condition in which the skin appears to have areas with underlying fat deposits, giving it a dimpled, lumpy appearance. It is most noticeable on the buttocks and thighs, and usually occurs after puberty.