“Amyloidosis is a rare disease characterized by a buildup of abnormal amyloid deposits in the body. Amyloid deposits can build up in the heart, brain, kidneys, spleen and other parts of the body. A person may have amyloidosis in one organ or several.

  • Almost 70 percent of people with amyloidosis are men.
  • Some forms of amyloidosis are more likely to strike people living with infections or other conditions that cause chronic inflammation.
  • People receiving long-term kidney dialysis are at risk for developing one type of amyloidosis, but modern dialysis techniques are making this less likely.
  • Amyloidosis can exist on its own, or it can be related to another problem.
  • There are different types of amyloidosis, and some are hereditary.”.

John Hopkins Medicine (https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/amyloidosis)

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