“Soap and water is necessary for effective hand-washing. Most commercially available soaps will work fairly well. The basic chemical structure of soap is what accounts for its effectiveness, so adding things like nice smells or color isn’t going to make you any cleaner. Neither is antibacterial soap, which the FDA recommended against using in 2016. So when it comes to hand-washing, use ordinary soap, and use it well. Most of the effectiveness of this revolutionary practice comes from your own good habits and diligence.  If you’ve ever wondered how to wash your hands properly, a quick rinse does not get rid of germs as effectively as a long, thorough scrub for 20 seconds. So how long should you wash your hands? The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) hand hygiene guidelines note you should scrub for at least 20 seconds, or about twice as long as it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” to yourself.”


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