Archive | February 2015

Why the body needs salt (Sodium), how it works in our body & why too much in your diet is bad.

Why the body needs salt (Sodium), how it works in our body & why too much in your diet First we’ll cover how water, electrolytes, proteins work in the body to understand how sodium (being a electrolyte) is so important with our health. Then we will cover how to use sodium therapeutically in our diet with knowing how it impacts how your future health and how it prevents with even help you in managing certain diseases or illnesses you already have.

Let us first understand the basics of the human body: a large percentage of body weight is composed of water that is containing dissolved particles of organic and inorganic substances vital to life. A young adult male is about 60% water whereas a female is 50%. Than the percentage of the body weight, that is WATER, declines with age. Since fat contains little water, the more obese a person gets the smaller the percentage of water weight is in that person.   Salt is what we call sodium (NA) + chloride (Cl)=Sodium chloride =NaCl, which are both an electrolytes. Water is distributed throughout the body, but in compartments that are inside our cells, outside of our cells (being plasma), and in our tissues. In these compartments with the water are electrolytes but in varying amounts. The largest percentage of water in our body is inside the cells. The body fluid in us is constantly being lost and replaced for normal body processes to occur.   If we eat daily food and fluids the body easily maintains the compartments in balancing the water and electrolytes in our body (remember the compartments are in the cells, outside of cells, and in the tissues).   We know the body receives water to these different compartments through our diet in what we eat (foods & liquids) and through the metabolism (break down) of the those foods & liquids=nutrition that we eat and through the body tissues. There are ending products from the metabolism (break down) of tissues in our body and our foods and fluids through digestion causing our body to have an ending result of toxins in the body but are body gets rid of them if functioning within normal limits. Two vital processes that do this which demand continual expenditure of water in removal of toxins is: 1.) removal of body heat by vaporization of water via the lungs and the skin(perspiration).                         2.)excretion of urea and other metabolic wastes by the kidneys dumping them in our urinary bladder; the stool also in our GI tract plays a role in this removal of metabolic wastes in evacuation.                                                                                                                                                                                    Solid foods such as meats and vegetables contain 60 to 90% water . Note the normal daily replacement of water roughly equals the normal daily loss with an entire body functioning properly. The volume of water used in these processes varies greatly with external influences such as temperature and humidity.

All body fluids contain chemical compounds. Chemical compounds in solution may be classified as electrolytes or nonelectrolytes based on their ability to conduct an electric current in the solution. Electrolytes are either positive, which is a charged particle called an cation (electric current=Na+); or negative which is not a charged particle called an anion (no electric current=Cl-). This is why you’ll see an electrolyte banner or board up in the front of chemistry class or just in your chemistry book (a positive or negative sign after every abbreviation of each element). It’s letting you know if it is + or -. Proteins are special types of charged molecules. They both have a charge that is dependent on the pH of the body fluids. A normal pH in our plasma is 7.35 to 7.45 and at this level your proteins exist with a net negative charge. In our bodies compartments, when imbalances happen regarding fluids, electrolytes or proteins problems occur; acidity and alkalinity distribution in the body becomes effected.

What does this all mean?                                         There are 3 main mechanisms for fluid and electrolyte movement in the body to help in maintenance of acid and base balances throughout the human body which are diffusion, osmosis, and filtration. Through these mechanisms transfer of water and electrolytes take place dispensing them in the body where they are needed.

Electrolytes account for most of the osmotic pressure of the body fluids (this pressure is the concentration of solids in a compartment). Electrolytes are VITALLY important in the maintenance of acid and base (alkaline) balancing in all cells to all the plasma to every tissue region of the body. These 3 mechanisms of delivery that balance the fluids and electrolytes in our body you need to have working correctly; but when the body ends up getting imbalances of electrolytes or fluids over a long period of time certain illnesses or diseases can arise. If a system fails in our body, this can put the electrolyte and fluid balance off causing health problems in our body; take for example. kidneys that play a major role in removing toxins from our bloodstream by pulling them out of the blood vessels that filter through the kidneys and allows the organ to dump the toxins into our urinary bladder where we excrete them.   When we void, the more yellow the urine means the higher the amount or concentration of toxins is in the urine and that was dumped in the urinary bladder by proper kidney function.   So if disease like renal (kidneys )failure occurs than this messes up the entire process of balancing the acid and base fluids in the body by allowing the toxics to stay in our body which causes them to be dumped elsewhere, like in our tissues=the body is trying to compensate. This will cause yellowing to the sclera, skin, etc… which we call jaundice and if not repaired you will die sooner in life.

What can you do to avoid gaining weight when you quit smoking?

To avoid gaining weight when you quit smoking, you need to become more physically active and improve your eating habits before you stop.  Physical activity helps to control your weight by increasing the number of calories your body uses.  Making healthy changes to your eating habits will prevent weight gain by controlling the amount of calories you eat.  Try to reduce your chances of gaining weight gain by controlling the amount of calories you eat.  Try to reduce your chances of gaining weight by being more physically active and improving your eating habits before you stop smoking. Becoming physically active is a healthy way to control your weight and take your mind off smoking.  In one study, women who stopped smoking and added 45 minutes of walking a day gained less than 3 lbs.  In addition to helping control your weight, exercise increases your energy, promotes self-confidence, improves your health, and may help relieve the stress and depression caused by the lack of nicotine in your body. You can become more physically active by spending less time doing activities that use little energy, like watching T.V. and playing video games, and spending more time doing physical activities.  Try to do at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day on most days of the week.  The activity does not have to be done all at once.  It can be done in short spurts — 10 minute here, 20 minute there — as long as it adds up to 30 minutes a day.  Simple ways to become more physically active include gardening, housework, moving the lawn, playing actively with children, and taking the stairs instead of the elevator.  See the weight get under control. Improve your eating habits. Try to gradually improve your eating habits.  Changing your eating habits too quickly can add to the stress you may feel as you try to quit smoking.  Eating a variety of foods is a good way to improve your health. To make sure you get all of the nutrients needed for good health, choose a variety of foods from each group in the Food Guide Pyramid each day.  The Nutrition Facts Label that is found on most processed food products can also help you select food choices and make sure you: **Eat Plenty of grain products, vegetables, and fruits. Choose lean and low fat foods and low calorie beverages most often.  Choose low fat dairy products, lean meats, fish, poultry, and dry beans to get the nutrients you need without extra calories and fat. Choose less often foods high in fat, sugar, and dry beans to get the nutrients you need without extra calories and fat. What counts as a serving?

FOOD GUIDE PYRAMID Bread, Cereal, Rice, and Pasta Group 1 slice of bread or 1 ounce of ready to eat cereal or 1/2 cup cooked cereal, rice or pasta.

Vegetable Group 1 cup of raw leafy vegetables 1/2 cup of other vegetables, cooked or chopped raw 3/4 cup of vegetable juice Fruit Cup 1 medium apple, banana, or orange 1/2 cup of chopped, cooked, or canned fruit 3/4 cup of fruit juice

Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese Group 1 cup of low fat or nonfat milk or yogurt 1 1/2 ounces of low fat or nonfat cheese Meat, Poultry,

Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs, and Nuts Group 2 to 3 ounces of cooked lean meat, poultry or fish 1/2 cup of cooked dry beans or 1 egg counts as 1 ounce of lean meat 2 tablespoons of peanut butter or 1/3 cup of nuts counts as 1 ounce/meat.

When you are ready to quit smoking pick a day to quit smoking during a non-stressful period if possible.  For example, try to quit smoking during holiday seasons when you might be tempted to eat more is not the best time to stop smoking or even lose weight.  Quitting during a stressful time at work or at home might cause extra snacking or a smoking relapse. Try to focus on quitting smoking and healing your BODY!

Your first goal should be to quit smoking and let your body heal from the effects of nicotine. After you feel better and are not smoking, work harder on improving your eating and physical activity habits to help you lose any weight that you might have gained.   After you quit: Learn how to reduce cravings for both cigarette smoking and foods.  Replace them with other activities.  Get them off your mind. Drink less caffeine.  I myself drink only a maximum of 2 cups by 12pm a day (coffee) and no more unless at a holiday party during the year.

Get enough sleep on average.  When you feel tired you are more out to crave cigarettes and food.

Reduce tension-relax by meditating, taking a walk, soaking in the tub or taking deep breaths.  Find something that will help relax and replace the urge to smoke. Get support and encouragement.

You need a lot of support when you are quitting to smoke.  Talk to a friend when you get the urge to smoke or join a support group, which their are plenty of such as the Nicotine Anonymous.  You can also participate in workshops offered by health care providers that will help you quit smoking.

If you can, find a mutual friend to quit with you for mutual support. Talk to your  doctor about nicotine replacement. Try not to do things that tempt you to smoke or eat when you are not hungry.

Keep a journal of where and when you feel most tempted to smoke and avoid these situations.  Substitute healthy activities for smoking to help you avoid the urge to smoke or eat when you are not hungry.

Try not to panic about modest weight gain.  Know that your quitting to  smoke is the BEST thing you can do for yourself and those around you.  If possible, before you quit, prepare a plan to quit smoking that includes simple changes in your eating and exercise habits.  Improving your lifestyle as you stop smoking can help you prevent a large weight gain and become a healthy nonsmoker.



Myocardial Infarction – What it is, the cause on one & the recovery.

Angina is a medical term simply meaning lack of oxygen to the heart.  Lack of oxygen to any area of the body will cause pain in time since oxygen is the nutrients to our tissues in the human body.  Since the heart is in our upper chest angina will cause pressure or pain in the chest area and could radiate down the left arm.  Angina is reversible, no damage has occurred to the heart, but don’t get it treated and a heart attack will soon occur.

A Myocardial Infarction (MI) is just another name for a heart attack.  The coronary arteries supply the heart muscle which is called the myocardium in medical terms.  When one of these arteries are blocked and the blood supply is cut off partially to completely an MI can definitely occur.  The problem here is actual damage and scarring occurs at the area of where the MI took place in the heart.  Cell death does not occur immediately once the artery is blocked.  It takes several minutes to start the injury process and this continues for several hours unless the artery is opened up and blood flow is restored.


The reason for the blockage is usually a buildup of plaque (deposits of fat-like substances) in the walls of the coronary arteries.

The plaque buildup narrows the walls of the artery and can cause blood clots to occur.  Plaque buildup is caused by a disease known as artherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).  An artherosclerotic plaque is a made up of cells, cholesterol, and other fatty substances.  The plaque develops in the wall of the coronary artery and over time becomes large enough to start narrowing the channel through which the blood travels.

The pool of lipid (the fat) within the plaque is covered by a thin fibrous cap.  This cap may split or fracture, exposing the blood to elements within the plaque that cause blood clot formation.

This clotting process may be controlled by the body, which contains substances to dissolve clots, or may lead to complete blockage of the artery.  When the artery is  blocked acutely for more than a few minutes, cell death start to occur.

Coronary heart disease is a very common disease and is the leading cause of death in the United States.  More than 500,000 men and women suffer a heart attack each year.

Are all heart attacks the same?   NO, A small heart attack means only a small amount of the heart muscle tissue has died.  Recovery in such cases is typically fast, and complications are to a minimum.

Large heart attacks that involve a large portion of heart tissue can cause problems like:  low blood pressure, shock, or heart failure because the heart’s ability to pump blood is reduced.  Recovery is typically longer in such cases and complications are at a higher potential of happening or death can occur.

Until the are of damage heals, the dead heart muscle is soft/weak and rupture of the heart wall can occur.  This usually results in death.  The normal rhythm of your heartbeat can change during a heart attack.  These rhythm abnormalities can be very serious and cause death if not treated promptly.

With prompt and effective treatment of a myocardial infarction, most potential complications can be avoided, and the mortality rate can be reduced dramatically.

Recovery for a heart attack:

In years past, hospitalization was often prolonged, lasting 3 to 4 weeks.  Today, hospitalization following a heart attack is usually brief in the absence of complications.  Often patients are home within 4 to 5 days or sooner.  Activities will be restricted for a few weeks to allow the healing process to occur.  The damage to the heart tissue will usually heal in 4 to 8 weeks.  The heart forms a scar tissue that is permanent; just like what would happen if any other tissue of the body suffered damage. (ex. You cut yourself with a knife damaging your skin (which is tissue and a organ of the body, than get stitches by the doctor which heal on their own in time  and  a scar in that area remains for life).  The same thing occurs to the heart in a MI.

Many patients will participate in a formal cardiac rehabilitation program.  These pro- grams typically focus on exercise and other lifestyle changes in order to speed recovery, and to fight the coronary artery disease that originally caused the heart attack.  Cardiac rehabilitation is so vital, it helps people to resume normal activity to their optimal level as quickly as possible with whatever adjustments they needed to make in their life to prevent this from happening again whether it be diet, exercise balanced with rest, and medications to take (new or adjustments in doses) or all 3.


Being overweight and obesity are major risk factors for many chronic diseases for South Dakotans of all ages. When people are overweight or obese, they have more health problems and more serious health problems, in addition to higher health care costs.

Mike Rounds (November 2, 2002 to elect a Governor of South Dakota . Republican nominee Mike Rounds was elected, defeating Democratic nominee Jim Abbott

Obesity and how it only slows down lives in America, of all ages.

For so many years America has been warned about being overweight/unhealthy but still today the majority of Americans (all age groups) are obese, up to 2/3 of our country. To the point it affects society in the U.S. that even our politicians have to ban certain drinks or foods to the public since many can’t take the better choice on their own for the healthier moves which is taking foods/drinks that are high in sugar or fat or calories in moderation or even occasionally. Instead our society goes the less healthier direction that causes many cardiac (CAD, blockages in the vessels), endocrine (Diabetes II) with many other diseases as a ending result, in time. No matter if you are in a high or low income bracket there are affordable foods that you can have in your diet with gradually increasing to 30 minutes of exercise daily or every other day in your life, of course in time. It’s just like watching TV, you just have to fit it in your life and in time it will become a regular part of your activities of daily living with not making you feel as if this is a burden but routine. If you want to live a longer life, help decrease disease in our country then make a move whether young, mid-age or even older. It is like a wound that our society over generations allowed to happen, in time. The ending result is 2/3 of our country is obese, do we want to continue making this wound larger. We already have caused a large number of obesity but like all wounds, time heals all wounds (if not completely than to a degree and in America the case is a large one). We are now in a technology that knows what foods high in fat, high in sugar, high in carbohydrates, high in calories on a daily basis in all yours meals can cause which is obesity as the ending result.   We are a stronger nation in all colors, races, ages, and sexes with knowing the knowledge of what to do.  Do you want a better fit body or even an overall healthier family including grandchildren and even our country than take the action NOW. For your goal in playing a part in living healthier and spreading the good news. Also, for the next decade & generation to be healthier will help Americans holistically in their lives all around (including our health care showing a spread of disease in lower percentage due to healthier dieting and activity choices by our people, who are so important in helping to decide where the health of the present and future of the US citizens lie. Should it take our government to make a move (finally after so many years)? I know I wouldn’t want them making the last move in our society and if you want to take part in joining me (at almost 50 y/o) than go to and be a part of making our home a healthy USA.

The recipe to knowing how to live healthier and longer, but don’t forget to do the cooking.

We live for generations relying more on treatment versus prevention (secondary versus primary care).  Yes we have drastically improved in the health care system leaning more to primary through further research and technology.  Also, we have advanced in practicing prevention to some degree; that would be regarding certain illnesses/disease but the society in our nation is still too high on being the ones relying on treatment rather than prevention.  Adults alone are 65% obese which is a main cause for certain diseases remaining on the rise in this country.  These diseases are still on the rise due to some of our cultural eating habits in our homes.  For American culture that includes the restaurant industry and social acceptance of the do’s and don’ts in our communities.  Out of homes in America we are exposed to fast foods, lack of allowing kids to play in a baseball fields with safe/ responsible adults because they don’t have a permit, no desire to be active due to being in the computer too many hours or even watching TV instead of 30 to 60 minutes of exercise squeezed in our daily schedules somewhere.  Due to this behavior we inflict on ourselves either increasing risks of or the cause of or worsening of diseases or illnesses in American citizens or any citizen in some country who lives the same life style; ending line its due to the diet or the poor health habits practiced in the individual’s life.  If you and others knew in our country the baby steps in becoming healthier NOW not tomorrow it would benefit your health and your life line extending it dramatically, especially if you start in your younger years with no illness/disease or very little.  You’ve heard the line I’ll start next month with next month never happening or this will be my New Year’s resolution on Christmas and it’s already forgotten on Jan. 1st.  Unfortunately a lot end up with the poor health due to their sedentary life style being their diet and poor healthy habits.  Don’t put it off anymore, take the first step, and increase the changes you need to a better mind and body.  Join me with others in learning healthy habits.   Prevent the following diseases that obesity alone can cause, which are: 

  1. High Blood Pressure–High blood pressure is the primary cause of death among Americans older than 25. About 75 million people suffer from high blood pressure or hypertension, which is a major risk factor for heart disease. Blood pressure tends to increase with weight gain and age. It is not known why obesity is a major cause of high blood pressure. However, research has shown that obese patients displayed an increase in blood volume and arterial resistance causing more stress to the heart. For people who are overweight and have high blood pressure, losing as little as 8 pounds can help reduce blood pressure to a safe level.
  2. Diabetes–Obesity is considered one of the most significant factors in the development of insulin resistance, and insulin resistance can lead to type 2 diabetes. According to the World Health Organization, more than 90 percent of diabetes patients worldwide have type 2 diabetes. Being overweight or obese contributes to the development of diabetes by making cells more resistant to the effects of insulin. A weight loss of 15-20 pounds can help you decrease your risk of developing type 2 diabetes 
  3. Heart Disease — According to the American Heart Association, obesity is a major risk factor for developing coronary heart disease, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke. People who are overweight are at a greater risk of suffering a heart attack before the age of 45.  Obese adolescents have a greater chance of having a heart attack before the age of 35 than non-obese adolescents. If you are overweight, losing 10-15 pounds can reduce your risk of developing heart disease. If you exercise regularly, the risk of developing heart disease falls even more.
  4. High Cholesterol levels — High cholesterol is one of the leading causes of heart attacks. Cholesterol is transported through your blood in two ways: the low density lipoprotein (LDL), which transports cholesterol to the cells that need it, and the high density lipoprotein (HDL), which is the healthy cholesterol that reduces your risk for heart attack. Having high LDL levels raises your risk of having heart disease by 20 percent. Losing 11-20 pounds can help you significantly reduce your cholesterol level.
  5. Cancer — A study by the American Heart Association found that being overweight increases your chances for developing cancer by 50 percent. Women have a higher risk of developing cancer if they are more than 20 pounds overweight. Regular exercise and a weight loss of as little as 12 pounds can significantly decrease the risk.
  6. Infertility — Being obese can cause changes in the hormonal levels of women, which can result in ovarian failure. Women who are 15-25 pounds overweight are at a higher risk of suffering from infertility and ovarian cancer. Our bodies need to be at an appropriate weight to produce the right amount of hormones and regulate ovulation and menstruation. Don’t think men are immune to infertility. Overweight men have a greater chance of developing motility and a lower sperm count. Shedding 12-14 pounds can help you lower the risks.
  7. Back Pain — Obesity is one the contributing factors of back and joint pain. Excessive weight can cause injury to the most vulnerable parts of the spine, which carries the body’s weight. When it has to carry excess weight, the odds of suffering from a spinal injury or structural damage increase. Being overweight also raises the risk of developing osteoporosis, lower back pain, arthritis, and osteoarthritis. Losing 10-15 pounds can help you decrease the risk of developing these problems.
  8. Skin Ulcers & leading to infected ulcers — Obese and overweight individuals may have skin that folds over on itself. These creased areas can become irritated from the rubbing and sweating, which can cause alteration in the skin from a rash first forming to an actual ulcer of the skin occuring that can lead to ulcer skin infections (local infections) that can go further into systemic infections (which is an infection throughout the circulatory system).
  9. Gastric Ulcers — According to a study by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), obesity can be a contributing factor to the development of gastric ulcers. Gastric ulcers occur when there is an imbalance between the amount of hydrochloric acid that is secreted and the enzyme pepsin. Overweight men are at a greater risk of developing gastric ulcers than women. A weight loss of as little as 7 pounds can help reduce the risk.
  10. Gallstones — Being severely overweight increases the risk of developing gallstones, especially in women. Gallstones are caused when the liver releases excessive amounts of bile, which is stored in the gallbladder. Gallstones are more common in older women and those with a family history of gallstones. Losing 4-9 pounds reduces the risk of developing gallstones. Moderate exercise also can help lower your risk.

If you suffer from type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes, cardiac disease including high blood pressure or cholesterol and need to lose weight I can help you manage the disease through nutrition and fitness education including behavior modification.  You will  learn healthy habits that will help you lose weight through Dr. Anderson and me as your health coach for direction .   My blog can help people with diseases that are inflicted or impacted by obesity.  I can assist you in losing weight that only benefits you with the diseases I have mentioned in both prevention or in helping you take care of it with whatever your doctor prescribes (if needed).  Take the right step in moving towards a healthier, happier and even longer lifestyle.  Take a peek at my website at no price, no hacking, just seeing what can you do in making the choices you want to becoming healthy, at your pace.  I hope you like myself and so many others take the step in reaching a healthier body and spread the news to make America overall a healthier country.  It is recommended anyone with a disease or illness to first check with your doctor for clearance before doing any diet or activity changes you plan to add to your life to prevent injury.


American Heart Association, National Institutes of Health, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


“This paradox may be attributable in part to high wine consumption. Epidemiological studies indicate that consumption of alcohol at the level of intake in France (20-30 g per day) can reduce risk of CH D by at least 40%. Alcohol is believed to protect from CH D by preventing atherosclerosis through the action of high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol, but serum concentrations of this factor are no higher in France than in other countries”

What Causes Diabetic Heart Disease?

At least four complex processes, alone or combined, can lead to diabetic heart disease (DHD). They include coronary atherosclerosis; metabolic syndrome; insulin resistance in people who have type 2 diabetes; and the interaction of coronary heart disease (CHD), high blood pressure, and diabetes .

Researchers continue to study these processes because all of the details aren’t yet known.

Coronary Atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is a disease in which plaque builds up inside the arteries. The exact cause of atherosclerosis isn’t known. However, studies show that it is a slow, complex disease that may start in childhood. The disease develops faster as you age.

Coronary atherosclerosis may start when certain factors damage the inner layers of the coronary (heart) arteries. These factors include:

  • Smoking
  • High amounts of certain fats and cholesterol in the blood
  • High blood pressure
  • High amounts of sugar in the blood due to insulin resistance or diabetes

Plaque may begin to build up where the arteries are damaged. Over time, plaque hardens and narrows the arteries. This reduces the flow of oxygen-rich blood to your heart muscle.

Eventually, an area of plaque can rupture (break open). When this happens, blood cell fragments called platelets (PLATE-lets) stick to the site of the injury. They may clump together to form blood clots.

Blood clots narrow the coronary arteries even more. This limits the flow of oxygen-rich blood to your heart and may worsen angina (chest pain) or cause a heart attack.

Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is the name for a group of risk factors that raises your risk of both CHD and type 2 diabetes.

If you have three or more of the five metabolic risk factors, you have metabolic syndrome. The risk factors are:

  • A large waistline (a waist measurement of 35 inches or more for women and 40 inches or more for men).
  • A high triglyceride (tri-GLIH-seh-ride) level (or you’re on medicine to treat high triglycerides). Triglycerides are a type of fat found in the blood.
  • A low HDL cholesterol level (or you’re on medicine to treat low HDL cholesterol). HDL sometimes is called “good” cholesterol. This is because it helps remove cholesterol from your arteries.
  • High blood pressure (or you’re on medicine to treat high blood pressure).
  • A high fasting blood sugar level (or you’re on medicine to treat high blood sugar).

It’s unclear whether these risk factors have a common cause or are mainly related by their combined effects on the heart.

Obesity seems to set the stage for metabolic syndrome. Obesity can cause harmful changes in body fats and how the body uses insulin.

Chronic (ongoing) inflammation also may occur in people who have metabolic syndrome. Inflammation is the body’s response to illness or injury. It may raise your risk of CHD and heart attack. Inflammation also may contribute to or worsen metabolic syndrome.

Research is ongoing to learn more about metabolic syndrome and how metabolic risk factors interact.

Insulin Resistance in People Who Have Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes usually begins with insulin resistance. Insulin resistance means that the body can’t properly use the insulin it makes.

People who have type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance have higher levels of substances in the blood that cause blood clots. Blood clots can block the coronary arteries and cause a heart attack or even death.

The Interaction of Coronary Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, and Diabetes

Each of these risk factors alone can damage the heart. CHD reduces the flow of oxygen-rich blood to your heart muscle. High blood pressure and diabetes may cause harmful changes in the structure and function of the heart.

Having CHD, high blood pressure, and diabetes is even more harmful to the heart. Together, these conditions can severely damage the heart muscle. As a result, the heart has to work harder than normal. Over time, the heart weakens and isn’t able to pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs. This condition is called heart failure.

As the heart weakens, the body may release proteins and other substances into the blood. These proteins and substances also can harm the heart and worsen heart failure