Options for hearing loss Part 3

But the options for improvement are many.

No matter what effects you are experiencing due to hearing loss or the source of your condition, the next steps are obvious. Contact your family doctor, specialist, audiologist, or other hearing care professional to get your hearing tested. You will be surprised how many options are available to help you regain as much of your lost hearing as possible.

There are options you can do towards prevention of hearing loss. You can start with keeping your ears cleaned routinely with having the doctor checking your ears every 6 months to yearly. You can even live healthier and being able to control what your body is exposed to in eating better foods of the 4 food groups, perform exercise in your routine life, if not daily then 2-3 times a week (from walking fast to working out in a gym). You can also keep your weight in a therapeutic range (all factors in prevention of diabetes II, and high B/P that can cause hearing loss.). At the same time, do not smoke or expose yourself to a lot of second hand smoking or a lot of extremely loud noises from work areas to concerts without wearing ear plugs for safety. You can also keep your ears cleaned with having the doctor check your ears every 6 months to yearly. So there are things you can do to help prevent hearing loss.

If you need help in being given the knowledge in how to lose weight, knowing what foods are lean to leaner to leanest out of the 4 food groups, understanding exercise being a part of daily living, how all 3 interact with each other and making this a part of your regular life not just a few months to a year then you came to the right blog. This is provided through a Dr. Anderson and myself as your health coach. You can order Dr. Anderson’s book “Dr. A’s healthy habits” with tsfl.com providing foods to help you lose the excess of weight, you make all the choices. I needed to lose weight and lost 22 lbs. So if you want to prevent hearing loss with so many other diseases and illnesses go to healthyusa.tsfl.com and join me. Take a peek for no charge, no obligation and no hacking. I hope you have learned something new from my blog. Recommended to check with your md on any changes with diet or exercise especially if diagnosed already with disease or illness for your safety.

References: 1-World Health Organization. http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs300/en/

2-Torre P 3rd, Cruickshanks KJ, Klein BE, Klein R, Nondahl DM. (2005). The association between cardiovascular disease and cochlear function in older adults. http://jslhr.asha.org/cgi/content/abstract/48/2/473


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